Monday, January 30, 2023

A Violet in the Garden of Truth


Torii - Gateway to the Sacred
Photo credit: Blake Lasater

Kahlil Gibran has an essay titled The New Frontier, in which he asks groups of people who they are. This paragraph is of particular importance, I think …

“Are you a religious leader, weaving for your body a gown out of the ignorance of the people, fashioning a crown out of the simplicity of their hearts and pretending to hate the devil merely to live upon his income? Or are you a devout and a pious man who sees in the piety of the individual the foundation for a progressive nation, and who can see through a profound search in the depth of his own soul a ladder to the eternal soul that directs the world? If you are the first, then you are a heretic, a disbeliever in God even if you fast by day and pray by night. If you are the second, then you are a violet in the garden of truth even though its fragrance is lost upon the nostrils of humanity or whether its aroma rises into that rare air where the fragrance of flowers is preserved.”

“Shepherd show me how to go,

O’re the hillside steep;

How to gather, how to sow,

How to feed thy sheep.

I will listen for They voice,

Lest my footsteps stray.

I will follow and rejoice,

All the rugged way.”

Mary Baker Eddy - from the poem, Feed My Sheep

“Let us together follow in the way that truth points out to us. And let us be the leaders of our many brothers who are seeking for the way, but find it not. And to this purpose let us dedicate our minds, directing all our thoughts to serve the function of salvation. Unto us the aim is given to forgive the world. It is the goal that God has given us. It is His ending to the dream we seek, and not our own.”

A Course in Miracles–3:4

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