Friday, January 6, 2023



Photo credit: Aaron Springston

I saw the following words today. They are attributed to Rumi. I can find no proof that they are, but I definitely think it is worthy …

Rumi, a 13th century Persian spiritual teacher, was asked:

 What is spiritual maturity?

  1. It's when we stop trying to change others and focus on changing ourselves.

 2. It is when we accept people as they are.

 3. It is when we understand that everyone is correct according to their own perspective.

 4. It is when we learn to “let go”.

 5. It is when we are able to not have "expectations" in a relationship, and we give of ourselves for the pleasure of giving.

 6. It is when we understand that what we do, we do for our own peace.

 7. It's when we stop showing the world how smart we are.

 8. It's when we stop seeking approval from others.


 9. It's when we stop comparing ourselves to others.

 10. It is when we are at peace with ourselves.

 11. It is when we are able to distinguish between "need" and "want" and we are able to let go of that want.

 12. Spiritual maturity is gained when we stop attaching "happiness" to material things!Å

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