Thursday, January 19, 2023

Of Dogs and Other Loved Ones


Daffy and Jeter - circa 2016

In honor of Jeter the Dog, December 2011 - January 2023 — I repeat this writing from 2020. 

I’ve been observing our dogs facilitate change and I’m sure there’s a lesson there for us all. Daffy the Doberman generally sleeps/lays wherever she wants. Jeter has his favorite places, but acquiesces to the Alpha dog. Recently we rearranged the furniture in the living room and, in the process, decided that Jeter would have to give up his couch, so we removed the cover and told him “no”. He seemed okay with this, but was at a loss as to what to do with himself when the love of his life, Kevin, was at work. In the bedroom, Daffy had her special bed which was closest to the door and she would growl if Jeter tried to walk by her to get to his nighttime bed against the far wall. So Jeter would lay in the hallway, occasionally trying to sneak past her if she was snoring. Then suddenly we noticed they had switched beds! Jeter is sleeping closest to the door and Daphne  has taken the far wall position. The lessons we can all take from this are varied, but what I’m seeing is that change can happen with patience and, eventually, cooperation. Actually, we think that Scout the Cat was instrumental in this shift, so perhaps it simply takes a strong leader to help us move forward. Whatever the case, I trust we can all work together as well as our dogs!

"Love giveth to the least spiritual idea might, immortality, and goodness, which shine through all as the blossom shines through the bud. All the varied expressions of God reflect health, holiness, immortality -- infinite Life, Truth, and Love." 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 518:19

“Help Me to wake My children from the dream of retribution and a little life beset with fear, that ends so soon it might as well have never been. Let Me instead remind you of eternity, in which your joy grows greater as your love extends along with Mine beyond infinity, where time and distance have no meaning. While you wait in sorrow Heaven’s melody is incomplete, because your song is part of the eternal harmony of love.” 

A Course in Miracles S-3.IV.8:1-3

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