Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Value of Motherhood

Art by Margarita Sikorskaia

Written by Toni Morrison

“There was something so valuable about what happened when one became a mother. For me, it was the most liberating thing that ever happened to me. Liberating because the demands that children make are not the demands of a normal ‘other.’ 

The children’s demands on me were things that nobody ever asked me to do. 

To be a good manager. 

To have a sense of humor. 

To deliver something that somebody could use. 

And they were not interested in all the things that other people were interested in, like what I was wearing or if I were sensual. Somehow all of the baggage that I had accumulated as a person about what was valuable just fell away. I could not only be me—whatever that was—but somebody actually needed me to be that.

If you listen to your children, somehow you are able to free yourself from baggage and vanity and all sorts of things and deliver a better self, one that you like. The person that was in me that I liked best was the one my children seemed to want."

Written by Toni Morrison

“Mother. God; divine and eternal Principle; Life, Truth, and Love.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 592:16-17

“Pause and be still a little while, and see how far you rise above the world, when you release your mind from chains and let it seek the level where it finds itself at home. It will be grateful to be free a while. It knows where it belongs. But free its wings, and it will fly in sureness and in joy to join its holy purpose. Let it rest in its Creator, there to be restored to sanity, to freedom and to love.” 

A Course in Miracles W-128.6:1-5

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