Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Focus on the Moment


Grand-baby Torin living in the moment

I have a friend who occasionally comes to me for help with her computer. Today was one of those days. She had been trying to complete a simple task, and after two hours of failed efforts, she came to me. I signed in to her account and got it done quickly. And then we had a talk. I know this woman well or I wouldn’t have been quite as blunt about her plight. I told her she needed to concentrate on one thing at at time. She told me she had attention deficit disorder. What I didn’t tell her was that I think we all do, but we can train ourselves to focus. I suggested meditation for her, perhaps reading Ram Dass’s “Be Here Now” and/or Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” — and she broke in to tell me she had done that years ago. She knew all about it. I smiled and told her to come to me if she wanted any help in her experience of the present. This caused me to think back to the years I flitted from one task to another, never finishing anything and becoming quite frustrated in the process. It took years to figure out what I was doing, and it’s an ongoing process to stay calmly on track. I truly feel it’s the acknowledgement and awareness of what we’re doing, then deciding if that’s how we want to live. If you don’t like the way things went today, be happy in the knowledge you can choose again!

“Your distorted perceptions produce a dense cover over miracle impulses, making it hard for them to reach your own awareness. The confusion of miracle impulses with physical impulses is a major perceptual distortion. Physical impulses are misdirected miracle impulses. All real pleasure comes from doing God’s Will. This is because not doing it is a denial of Self. Denial of Self results in illusions, while correction of the error brings release from it. Do not deceive yourself into believing that you can relate in peace to God or to your brothers with anything external.” 

A Course in Miracles T-1.VII.1:1-7

“Materialists contradict their own statements. Their belief in material laws and in penalties for their infraction is the ancient error that there is fraternity between pain and pleasure, good and evil, God and Satan. This belief totters to its falling before the battle-axe of Science.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 389:22-27

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