Sunday, December 8, 2024

A New World of Light and Life

Photo courtesy of Richard Quick

More people are accepting the gift of peace, in exchange for the turmoil and torment they’ve been experiencing. Perhaps I’m noticing it because I’m accepting peace for myself. Many times I’ve fallen wholeheartedly into sadness, wallowing in the misery. But that’s okay, because we have emotions which need to be acknowledged. I think of it as honoring the sadness. And when it’s time, we can break through the murky belief of whatever it was, with no need of revisiting or retelling the pain. I have done much the same thing in regard to what I perceive to be backward steps in the awakening of a new earth. Fear and depression have been washed away with the realizations of what must replace them. What a joy it is to give up personal agendas and preconceived notions of how things should be, welcoming Love without the expectations I so often have of others! I feel no sense of sacrifice in this trade-off …

“I am not asked to make a sacrifice to find the mercy and the peace of God. The end of suffering can not be loss. The gift of everything can be but gain. You only give. You never take away. And You created me to be like You, so sacrifice becomes impossible for me as well as You. I, too, must give. And so all things are given unto me forever and forever. As I was created I remain. Your Son can make no sacrifice, for he must be complete, having the function of completing You. I am complete because I am Your Son. I cannot lose, for I can only give, and everything is mine eternally.

“The mercy and the peace of God are free. Salvation has no cost. It is a gift that must be freely given and received. And it is this that we would learn today.”

A Course in Miracles W-343.1:1–2:4

“The divine hand led me into a new world of light and Life, a fresh universe — old to God, but new to His 'little one.' It became evident that the divine Mind alone must answer, and be found as the Life, or Principle, of all being; and that one must acquaint himself with God, if he would be at peace." Mary Baker Eddy - Retrospection and Introspection Page 27:29-4 (MBE Autobiography)

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