Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Teachers of Love

Art by Jesse Stone

“Return of the Bird Tribes” by Ken Carey is a book which was recently brought into my field of vision. A quote: “Awaken humankind...the teachers of love circle round the morning star...spiraling down…coming to rest...they land...fluttering into consciousness...the bird tribes return." How many times have you felt that we're on the verge of realizing universal peace and harmony? January 1, 2000 felt like a tipping point. Although I don't remember specific dates other than that one, I know there have been many occasions when it simply "felt like" this was it; that we would forget differences, only remembering unity and the fact that we are all One. I felt this again today. Really, truly, I saw people reaching out for something secure in a material world full of insecurity and fear. We are all the same in the reality of Spirit. The "reign and rule of universal harmony which cannot be lost nor remain forever unseen” is waiting for us to cast off fear and embrace it! There is more happening here than meets the eye …

"Let us learn of the real and eternal, and prepare for the reign of Spirit, the kingdom of heaven,—the reign and rule of universal harmony, which cannot be lost nor remain forever unseen."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 208:20-24

“Peace be to me, the holy Son of God. Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us. Father, it is Your peace that I would give, receiving it of You. I am Your Son, forever just as You created me, for the Great Rays remain forever still and undisturbed within me. I would reach to them in silence and in certainty, for nowhere else can certainty be found. Peace be to me, and peace to all the world. In holiness were we created, and in holiness do we remain. Your Son is like to You in perfect sinlessness. And with this thought we gladly say ‘Amen.’”

A Course in Miracles  W-360.1:1-7

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