Monday, December 2, 2024

Wiping Away Dreams of Separation

Photo courtesy of Richard Quick 

Our perception is that we are separate human beings who must work hard to see our commonality. While we believe this to be true, we are not experiencing the world as it is — not at all. “Forgiveness sweeps away distortions, and opens the hidden altar to the truth.” We are able to look at everything without judgment when we release our ego and choose “that mind to be in us, which was also in Christ Jesus”. We tend to think judgment is part of the human experience, and that we have no choice but to look at everything as either right or wrong. As we go through our day, let’s notice how many times we separate ourselves from each other by judgment. We have a choice of looking past bodies and experiencing the Oneness which is our holy self, that Self which has always been there. This simple message is not always easy, but I rejoice in knowing it is possible!

“Forgiveness lets me know that minds are joined. Forgiveness is the means appointed for perception’s ending. Knowledge is restored after perception first is changed, and then gives way entirely to what remains forever past its highest reach. For sights and sounds, at best, can serve but to recall the memory that lies beyond them all. Forgiveness sweeps away distortions, and opens the hidden altar to the truth. Its lilies shine into the mind, and call it to return and look within, to find what it has vainly sought without. For here, and only here, is peace of mind restored, for this the dwelling place of God Himself.

“In quiet may forgiveness wipe away my dreams of separation and of sin. Then let me, Father, look within, and find Your promise of my sinlessness is kept; Your Word remains unchanged within my mind, Your Love is still abiding in my heart.”

A Course in Miracles W-336.1:1–2:2

“Having no other gods, turning to no other but the one perfect Mind to guide him, man is the likeness of God, pure and eternal, having that Mind which was also in Christ.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 467:13-16

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