Monday, December 16, 2024

You Are My Guide To Peace

Photo credit: Gerry Toler

One of our local artists tells me that she went to Crystal Bridges, the fabulous museum here in Northwest Arkansas. She said that she ran into another local artist while there, who said to her that she felt hopeless because she realized that no matter how good she was, she would never be as good as the artists they were seeing on display. These words from the other artist had thrown her into a funk, putting quite a damper on her enjoyment of the day. Yikes!! I'm not going to dissect the erroneous thoughts I see coming from those events, but let's look at how this relates to today's Course in Miracles workbook lesson. If I see the statement-maker as sinless, whatever she says is also harmless. Her words cannot bring me pain or suffering of any sort. She is the pure Idea of God. Her words can only be translated into my depression if that's what I perceive. When I see her as she really Is, there is no need for pain, depression, or blame. She can't ruin my day. Only my thoughts toward her can do that for me. While this story was being related to me, I found myself thinking they were both foolish. I quickly realized I was perceiving them through my own warped perception. And so I turned that around, choosing peace and seeing them both as the sinless children of Love which they are — even though my first impulse was to jump up on my soapbox and tell her why they were wrong! Namaste, dear Sisters …

“My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see I will behold. Who is my brother but Your holy Son? And if I see him sinful I proclaim myself a sinner, not a Son of God; alone and friendless in a fearful world. Yet this perception is a choice I make, and can relinquish. I can also see my brother sinless, as Your holy Son. And with this choice I see my sinlessness, my everlasting Comforter and Friend beside me, and my way secure and clear. Choose, then, for me, my Father, through Your Voice. For He alone gives judgment in Your Name.”

A Course in Miracles W-351.1:1-7

"Final deliverance from error, whereby we rejoice in immortality, boundless freedom, and sinless sense, is not reached through paths of flowers nor by pinning one's faith without works to another's vicarious effort. Whosoever believeth that wrath is righteous or that divinity is appeased by human suffering, does not understand God."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 22:23-28

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