Wednesday, November 25, 2015


ACIM Workbook Lesson #330
“I will not hurt myself again today.”

"Let us this day accept forgiveness as our only function." [ACIM] On this day of national gratitude, I revel in the joy of forgiveness and the happiness which is its inevitable result! Our local Course in Miracles group celebrated Thanksgiving last night and I feel full to the brim with love and peace. Part of the joyous evening consisted of a beautiful, talented musician taking our favorite quotes from The Course and, with the help of her guitar and creative Spirit, turning them into wonderful, heartfelt songs for us to sing and enjoy. What fun we had! I feel totally prepared to go forth with the utmost appreciation for every little thing which will grace my existence on this beautiful day!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech."

Science & Health Page 3:26-27

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I Thought I Wandered ...

photo courtesy of Christopher Fischer
ACIM Workbook Lesson #329
“I have already chosen what You will.”

I spent years searching for love, grasping at brightly colored baubles and bangles, not realizing that I am Love and nothing can be more beautiful and complete than that. Seeing wholeness and unity where I once saw separation has brought the contentment which was so illusive. The false contentment found in marijuana and alcohol was an illusionary peace used as a hiding place for a while, but eventually I had to emerge and face what it was which kept me restless. When nothing ever seems to be enough, perhaps it's because we need it All, and that Allness can only be found in one place, a place not present in changing, temporal life. This study which teaches me the meaning of reality also fills me with a calm before unknown, and I am very grateful!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Who hath found finite life or love sufficient to meet the demands of human want and woe, — to still the desires, to satisfy the aspirations? Infinite Mind cannot be limited to a finite form, or Mind would lose its infinite character as inexhaustible Love, eternal Life, omnipotent Truth.”

Science & Health Page 257:24-29

Monday, November 23, 2015

Resolving Things Into Thoughts

photo credit: Chris Fischer
ACIM Workbook Lesson #328
"I choose the second place to gain the first."

How do we ”resolve things into thoughts”? Let's say we need a place to live. How do we think about this in order to manifest it in our existence? By understanding the substance of an idea! What are the spiritual qualities of this place to live, this house, this home? What does it represent? Some of the qualities of home could be warmth, comfort, peace, safety, beauty, love, hospitality. Home is really a spiritual idea, and these qualities already exist in our individual consciousness, so we don't have to go out and find them because they're already a permanent part of our being. We can express all the qualities included in the concept of home no matter where we are, and by this expression we are cherishing our spiritual home. This blessing is extended to others as well, so as we consistently demonstrate these and other spiritual qualities, we won't be surprised when every need is supplied.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Divine Science, rising above physical theories, excludes matter, resolves things into thoughts, and replaces the objects of material sense with spiritual ideas.”

Science and Health Page 123:12-15

Sunday, November 22, 2015

That is Enough!

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #327
"I need but call and [Love] will answer me."

Our neighborhood is having a situation with house cats which are being neglected. Their person went into a nursing home about a year ago and they have been living by themselves since then, with someone coming to feed them once a day. Occasionally they are let outside, and when this happens they go to someone’s door and cry for attention. There has been talk of many ways to help them. It has suddenly come to me that if anyone or anything is outside our door, crying in need, we should open the door. In our society, it’s very easy to think someone else should take care of people in need or animals crying from loneliness. Although I have no hard and fast answers, I do know that Love has an answer. Today I will listen for these answers and hear where divine Mind is leading me!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!”

Science & Health Page 519:3-5

Keep Reading!

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #326
“I am forever an Effect of God.”

Recently someone told me that the writings of A Course in Miracles are incomprehensible. The stock answer for this comment is, Keep Reading!  My suggestion was that they read the text with an open mind, not trying to make any intellectual evaluations, and listening for inspiration within their own self. At some point, the confusion related to hearing new ideas will pass and we will experience a new world. Today's lesson states: "Let us today behold earth disappear, at first transformed, and then, forgiven..." What a perfect time today is to let it all go and surrender to our true being as the expression of divine Love!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.”

Science & Health Page 468:9-15

Friday, November 20, 2015

Every Thought is Important

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #325
“All things I think I see reflect ideas.”

In this season of thanksgiving, I ponder what homeless children are thinking about. Do they have visions of sugarplums dancing in their head? Maybe! I hope so. I think most children manage to get through the early years with the help of a rich imagination. If they're lucky and haven't been indoctrinated with foolish and perhaps violent beliefs, they may even remember the divine Love which created them. One thing I'm sure of, every thought I think about them is important. Our evolution in thought is spurred on by challenges and we certainly are seeing those these days! I was recently inspired by this short Eckhart Tolle video. If you need a boost, jump into this!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Ideas of Truth alone are reflected in the myriad manifestations of Life, and thus it is seen that man springs solely from Mind.” Science & Health Page 543:26-28

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Am I Following or Leading?

photo credit:
Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #324
“I merely follow, for I would not lead.”

I often find myself thinking I’m following the guidance of divine Mind, but then I suddenly realize I have an agenda and I’m manipulating my thought in order to believe I’m listening! Recently, I decided I was doing some odd sort of listening by saying I didn’t feel I should attend a social gathering because one of the hosts “didn’t like me”. I had self-righteously convinced myself it would be best to not disrupt the party by making anyone uncomfortable. The sweet person who asked me to attend reminded me that whatever I was feeling was coming from me. Suddenly I realized that we tend to project our feelings onto others, and I admitted to myself that I really didn’t care to be in his company and so I was saying he didn’t want to be in mine. Well, how’s that for a kick in the behind!! Thank you, dear Friend for reminding me that I am leading in the direction I want to follow. Namastè!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The Christian Scientist wisely shapes his course, and is honest and consistent in following the leadings of divine Mind.” 
Science & Health Page 458:26-28 

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