Friday, October 14, 2022

Life Affirming Books

Photo credit: Arthur Bruno

“She realized that you could be as honest as possible in life, but people only see the truth if it is close enough to their reality. As Thoreau wrote, ‘It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.’” This is a quote from the novel, The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig. This book explores the possibilities of what might be, had we chosen a different path in our lives. Not just major decisions, but small ones. There are billions of possibilities in these lateral lives which could be occurring right now, along with the reality we think we are experiencing. Fascinating stuff!! I know most of us have wondered what our lives would have been if we’d accepted that job in New York, or taken a plunge into whatever it was that scared us, or any number of decisions which could have taken us in another direction. The revelations of quantum physics have opened our minds to possibilities we may not be willing to accept. And that’s okay! We humans have spent our entire existence dumbing down the world because we can’t accept what we don’t understand. Our minds don’t see what they can’t handle. And that’s okay, too, because we don’t have to understand this life, we only must live it. I love life-affirming books such as this one! Let me know what you’re reading which has rocked your world!

“Metaphysics is above physics, and matter does not enter into metaphysical premises or conclusions. The categories of metaphysics rest on one basis, the divine Mind. Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 269:11

“You are free to establish your kingdom where you see fit, but the right choice is inevitable if you remember this:

Spirit is in a state of grace forever.

Your reality is only spirit.

Therefore you are in a state of grace forever.” A Course in Miracles T-1.III.5:3-6

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Here and Now


Fabric Creation from Sandy Wythawai Starbird

Lateral lives, past lives, future lives — we love speculating about possibilities of “other” life experiences. We think about reincarnation and wonder about the possibilities, both past and future. If someone tells us they remember a past life, we may find that fascinating; but if they tell us they come from the future, perhaps we’d think they are a bit off the beam, to say the least. The wonderful sci-fi stories about time travel hold a certain allure for us, a fascination with the possibilities. There are many things we cannot fathom in the here and now, yet we still wonder about events which have not happened and may never occur. While I try to keep thoughts stayed on the now, dealing with events as they occur and not wondering what might be coming, it is a constant discipline, remembering to do so. Be Here NowThe Power of Now. I’m grateful we have so many aides to help us remain focused!

"In the ultimate sense, reincarnation is impossible. There is no past or future, and the idea of birth into a body has no meaning either once or many times. Reincarnation cannot, then, be true in any real sense. Our only question should be, 'Is the concept helpful?' And that depends, of course, on what it is used for. If it is used to strengthen the recognition of the eternal nature of life, it is helpful indeed. Is any other question about it really useful in lighting up the way? Like many other beliefs, it can be bitterly misused. At least, such misuse offers preoccupation and perhaps pride in the past. At worst, it induces inertia in the present. In between, many kinds of folly are possible." 

A Course in Miracles M-24.1 

"Man's individuality is not material. This Science of being obtains not alone hereafter in what men call Paradise, but here and now; it is the great fact of being for time and eternity."  Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 285

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Up Close and Personal

Stock photo of dandelion

Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite authors. Although she writes novels, she takes pertinent subjects, thoroughly researches them, and writes fiction in a way which mirrors fact in a personalized way. She is not afraid of tough subjects. I have read numerous books of hers including ones centered around autism, marital abuse, racism, and most recently abortion. Most of us know there are more than two sides to any story, and this author helps us see around the edges and into the nooks and crannies of a person’s experiences. There are no easy answers to questions of morality, but it is always possible to meet situations with loving care. As living beings, we are in this together. As spiritual beings, we are connected by something far deeper than our words and the tribes we choose. For her book, Small Great Things, she spent more than ten years delving into racism. The story starts when a black nurse is involved in the birth of a baby to a white supremacist couple. Picoult’s expert writing causes me to examine my own hidden prejudices as I am drawn into a world which is foreign to me. I am grateful for the insights into places I’ve never been. Thank you to everyone who is not afraid to speak truth, and to those who have a mind open to understanding.

“Millions of unprejudiced minds — simple seekers for Truth, weary wanderers, athirst in the desert — are waiting and watching for rest and drink. Give them a cup of cold water in Christ’s name, and never fear the consequences.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 570:14-16

“As specialness cares not who pays the cost of sin, so it be paid, the Holy Spirit heeds not who looks on innocence at last, provided it is seen and recognized. For just _one_ witness is enough, if he sees truly. Simple justice asks no more. Of each one does the Holy Spirit ask if he will be that one, so justice may return to love and there be satisfied. Each special function He allots is but for this; that each one learn that love and justice are not separate. And both are strengthened by their union with each other. Without love is justice prejudiced and weak. And love without justice is impossible. For love is fair, and cannot chasten without cause. What cause can be to warrant an attack upon the innocent? In justice, then, does love correct mistakes, but not in vengeance. For that would be unjust to innocence.” A Course in Miracles T-25.VIII.11:1-12

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Noticing Our Judgments


Photo credit: Blake Lasater

What does it mean to be awakened? I’m sure it means many things, but I’ve been watching people who are “awoke” and noticing a few traits. They don’t talk about others negatively. Awakening makes life simple because we needn’t try to figure out what people’s motivations are: they do what they do. Our happiness doesn’t rely on what others are doing, or not doing. When we put a label on someone, such as thief, then we’ve fixed that person in our mind with a conceptual identity. The mind does this, often focusing on a person’s shortcomings, and then we are trapped. What we must realize is the more we trap others, the more we trap ourselves. As Jesus said years ago, “Judge not, lest ye be judged”. The world cannot change without a change in thought, our own thought, and it requires vigilance for us to realize what we’re doing and stop it! It’s a matter of noticing our judgments and labeling practices. It’s not a failure when you notice yourself doing these things, it’s a great success to catch a thought and realize you’re doing it again. When you see it, it loses its power over you. Whew! What a relief!

"A dream of judgment came into the mind that God created perfect as Himself. And in that dream was Heaven changed to hell, and God made enemy unto His Son. How can God's Son awaken from the dream? It is a dream of judgment. So must he judge not, and he will waken. For the dream will seem to last while he is part of it. Judge not, for he who judges will have need of idols, which will hold the judgment off from resting on himself. Nor can he know the Self he has condemned. Judge not, because you make yourself a part of evil dreams, where idols are your ‘true identity’, and your salvation from the judgment laid in terror and in guilt upon yourself.” A Course in Miracles T-29.IX.2

“The purpose and motive to live aright can be gained now. This point won, you have started as you should. You have begun at the numeration-table of Christian Science, and nothing but wrong intention can hinder your advancement. Working and praying with true motives, your Father will open the way.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 326:16-21

Monday, October 10, 2022

The Brain’s Illusions


“Choose Your Bliss”
Created by John Rankine for the upcoming show:
“Finding Solace in This @#$%&! Up World”

“The brain creates false memories based on assumptions.” Whoa! This is a conclusion reached in a psychological study which I read about today. I know people can be involved in the same event and have entirely different memories of what happened. As a court reporter for three decades, I saw how wildly varied were memories of car accidents and other things. So it’s not surprising to me that we see things through different lens and interpret causes from all angles. But this study which shocked me was about showing a person a photograph of themselves, in which they were photoshopped into a particular situation. After being asked a few questions, then the person’s brain created a scenario in which they were convinced they were some place they were not! A quick internet search on how to convince people of things was horridly enlightening. Although it’s never been my goal to change people’s minds, apparently there are many who study these tactics and use them quite effectively. In order to counter these nefarious folks, let’s continue to hone our critical thinking skills, teach ourselves to listen deeply, and do our best to stay away from strong opinions. They do, after all, close our minds to others ways of thinking. Namaste, my dear friends …

“Fantasy is a distorted form of vision. Fantasies of any kind are distortions, because they always involve twisting perception into unreality. Actions that stem from distortions are literally the reactions of those who know not what they do. Fantasy is an attempt to control reality according to false needs. Twist reality in any way and you are perceiving destructively. Fantasies are a means of making false associations and attempting to obtain pleasure from them. But although you can perceive false associations, you can never make them real except to yourself. You believe in what you make.” 

A Course in Miracles T-1.VII.3:1-8

“How are veritable ideas to be distinguished from illusions? By learning the origin of each. Ideas are emanations from the divine Mind. Thoughts, proceeding from the brain or from matter, are offshoots of mortal mind; they are mortal material beliefs. Ideas are spiritual, harmonious, and eternal. Beliefs proceed from the so-called material senses, which at one time are supposed to be substance-matter and at another are called spirits.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 88:9-17

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Just Breathe


What a difference a day makes! I've been encouraging a dear friend who has been going through tough times, feeling suicidal, hopeless, deeply sad. Something shifted in her attitude yesterday, and today she's almost happy again! I encourage everyone who is feeling depressed, or desperate, to know there is an end to it. Plant some flowers, even if you have no energy. Take a walk, even if you want to stay in bed. Get some sunshine, even if you'd rather stay in a deeply-curtained room. Talk to friends, when you're rather be alone. Watch a funny movie, even if you want to cry. But don't be afraid to cry, and savor every moment of the grief. It, too, is life. Feel everything to its ultimate end. Be grateful for all these things, and remember to breathe.

"Love propagates anew the higher joys of Spirit, which have no taint of earth. Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love." Mary Baker Eddy 

“The opposite of joy is depression. When your learning promotes depression instead of joy, you cannot be listening to God’s joyous Teacher and learning His lessons. To see a body as anything except a means of communication is to limit your mind and to hurt yourself. Health is therefore nothing more than united purpose. If the body is brought under the purpose of the mind, it becomes whole because the mind’s purpose is one. Attack can only be an assumed purpose of the body, because apart from the mind the body has no purpose at all.” A Course in Miracles T-8.VII.13:1-6

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Seeking Successive Autumns


Félix Vallotton 

The Bridge Over Béal (Le Pont sur le Béal), 1922.

“Is not this a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love - that makes life and nature harmonise. The birds are consulting about their migrations, the trees are putting on the hectic or the pallid hues of decay, and begin to strew the ground, that one's very footsteps may not disturb the repose of earth and air, while they give us a scent that is a perfect anodyne to the restless spirit. Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”

George Eliot - Letter to Miss Lewis, 1841.

New Today

Truth Knocks at the Portal of Humanity

Are we finally ready for the truth? I've heard it said that we, as a human race, can’t stand to hear the truth if it contradicts long-he...