Friday, December 9, 2011

December 8, 2011 - All is Known

ACIM Lesson #342
"I let forgiveness rest upon all things,
For thus forgiveness will be given me."

[Marsha's comments]
We believe we can hide emotions and thoughts from those around us, simply by not saying anything. Where did we ever get that idea? I guess it's because we have spent so many years in not listening to anything which doesn't present itself to us in physical form. But whether we recognize it or not, we are passing to and receiving from everything which we encounter. Once again, I am most grateful to the animals in my life for their constant reminders of this fact. I recently watched an episode of the "Dog Whisperer" in which a lovely dog was fixated on attacking its own image in a mirror. This was not its only aggressive behavior, and the dog's person was afraid that it would attack someone or another animal any time it was outside. How did Cesar stop this dog's aberrant behavior? By calming its master. This woman was constantly in a state of fear and worry. The dog was mirroring her tense behavior. At first this woman had to pretend she was calm because she didn't know what that was! But as she watched the changes in her dog she began to understand that her feelings and thoughts were being passed on to not only her dog, but to everyone around her. And so it is that "the world goes with us on our way to God."

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The spiritual reality is the scientific fact in all things. The spiritual fact, repeated in the action of man and the whole universe, is harmonious and is the ideal of Truth. Spiritual facts are not inverted; the opposite discord, which bears no resemblance to spirituality, is not real. The only evidence of this inversion is obtained from suppositional error, which affords no proof of God, Spirit, or of the spiritual creation. Material sense defines all things materially, and has a finite sense of the infinite."
Science & Health Page 207:27-4

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