Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 18, 2015 - No Choices in Truth

photo by Chris Fischer from his garden
ACIM Workbook Lesson #138
“Heaven is the decision I must make.”

Years ago, I knew a young woman who would often fall to her knees and beg God to forgive her and not send her to hell. At the slightest transgression, she would verbally do this! She wouldn’t always fall to the ground, but even a simple verbal request was always a surprising event for everyone in her presence. She also would tell me I was going to hell for numerous reasons, one of which was because I didn’t believe in it. She told me that was the devil’s greatest victory, convincing people there was no such place. I remember mentioning that Jesus told us the kingdom of heaven was within, and she said yes, that it was within Jesus; not us. Nowadays, I would probably tell her this was the ego’s biggest victory to think this was so! I’d probably have a discussion with her about there being no choice because we have made up hell believing there must be an opposite for everything. I might even tell her that the acceptance of Truth obviates any need for choosing heaven, because there is only Truth with no opposite. Hum — maybe I should just decide this for myself and let it Be!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The great miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, and the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man.” Science & Health Page 560:12-15

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