Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Limiting Nature of Names

photo from Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #184
“The Name of God is my inheritance.”

From the moment we come into this form, people begin to teach us the names of things, what those names represent, and the meaning we should place on them. These names and meanings separate us from each other: they de-unify us. We think of learning as knowing what these things are, and we study to find out everything about them. In this world we have made, we need these symbols, these names, in order to convey information, yet we keep getting glimpses of true communication -- and, if you're like me, you want more! Watching birds fly in formation is but one way we taste a higher form of knowing. Rather than learning more about the illusion of names and notions, I'd rather work toward understanding the reality of a shared unity, via divine Mind. The knowledge that the confusion we are faced with in daily life is not true creation is a key to the door of Truth. Therein we find peace.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In the Scriptural allegory of the material creation, Adam or error, which represents the erroneous theory of life and intelligence in matter, had the naming of all that was material. These names indicated matter's properties, qualities, and forms. But a lie, the opposite of Truth, cannot name the qualities and effects of what is termed matter, and create the so-called laws of the flesh, nor can a lie hold the preponderance of power in any direction against God, Spirit and Truth.”

Science & Health Page 177:15-24

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