Friday, July 17, 2015

Turn on the Light!

photo from Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #198

“Only my condemnation injures me.”

It seems impossible to stay away from thoughts of condemnation. While it may be tempting to jump up on our high horse and expound on the rightness and the wrongness of external events, this justification is only from the standpoint of belief. Mortal mind, ego, tells us that we know this is real and we must do something about it. But listening and allowing ourselves to be led is much more productive than going off on a tangent and telling people how they should change their ways and everything will be better. The internet is known as the world-wide web, and that is quite an analogy for the Oneness which we share as spiritual beings. The instant and constant connection we all have with each other through our unity is there for the recognition of it. It's akin to flipping on the light switch in a dark room. If we don't know that's possible, we continue to sit in the dark. But when we sit with quiet expectation that our inner knowing will supply us with all we need, we may just find ourselves walking over to that unknown element and turning on the light! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The condemnation of mortals to till the ground means this, — that mortals should so improve material belief by thought tending spiritually upward as to destroy materiality.”

Science and Health Page 545:7-10 

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