Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #215
Central theme: "I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me." Review: #195 "Love is the way I walk in gratitude."

A year ago, I was re-learning to walk. Having spent six months in a wheelchair after an amputation, I was eagerly putting one foot in front of the other with the aid of a prosthetic device. It was odd because, in that short time, I had forgotten some of the finer points of walking. I would watch other people to see what I was or wasn’t doing right, as it didn’t feel natural. this unnaturalness can also be observed in people who know something is missing in their lives, but aren’t sure what it is. When we meet someone who shines forth with goodness, has a spark in their eyes, a feel-good energy emanating from their being, we naturally want to emulate that person. As I walk through this day, I shall do so in gratitude, thankful to recognize that “certain something” and follow it!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“As the crude footprints of the past disappear from the dissolving paths of the present, we shall better understand the Science which governs these changes, and shall plant our feet on firmer ground.”
Science & Health Page 224:4-7

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