Saturday, August 27, 2016

Resolve Into Action

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #240
“Fear is not justified in any form."

Has fear kept you from doing something you really want to do? A few years ago, through these writings, I became acquainted with a man who lives halfway around the world. Recently, he asked if he could come to visit and get to know me and our sweet village in person. I immediately said, “Yes”! When telling a close friend of this impending visit, she stated that she could never do anything like that because she would be too afraid. I reflected on this statement of hers, realizing how many events cause a fear response to rise up within us. And I also realized that to settle for anything which brings us less than joyful existence is to dishonor ourselves, hence dishonoring God. How could I do anything other than go forward with joy?? And this meeting of Mind with a kindred spirit has been nothing but joyful and filled with Love. And so, the next time I think I'm feeling what we call fear, I'll choose to interpret the emotion as excitement about what will come next!

Mary Baker Eddy quotes:
“Had Blondin believed it impossible to walk the rope over Niagara's abyss of waters, he could never have done it. His belief that he could do it gave his thought-forces, called muscles, their flexibility and power which the unscientific might attribute to a lubricating oil. His fear must have disappeared before his power of putting resolve into action could appear.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 199:25-31

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