Friday, November 11, 2022

Loving the Happy

Pat Quinn as a living window at
Eureka Thyme

What do you dream of doing? I’ve always wanted to sing — to sing really, really well. As an accompanist of singers, there have been times we seem to meld, and I get to sing vicariously through them. It’s a wonderful feeling of unity with my fellow humans. More than two decades ago, I met Pat Quinn. Since that time, barely a week has gone by when we didn’t make music together. Then the pandemic was upon us and she was unable to be vaccinated, so in her vulnerable state she chose to quit singing in the choirs she so loves. Today, to her utter surprise, she discovered her voice is “gone”.  In her words: “Have already accepted that I may never again find that singing sweet spot at the back of my throat. But I fully remember the feeling and the sound and the joy it brought me. (and you and others). Too many lovely memories to ever forget, that I am so grateful for.  Nothing lasts forever, and even before today I've come to realize some ways I live my life like my sweet animal friends, in the present moment and truly loving the ’happy.’” And I love you, Pat, and will always remember the day you glowed like the stars in the sky.

“Then close your eyes upon the world you see, and in the silent darkness watch the lights that are not of this world light one by one, until where one begins another ends loses all meaning as they blend in one.” 

A Course in Miracles W-129.7:5

‘“Let there be light,’ is the perpetual demand of Truth and Love, changing chaos into order and discord into the music of the spheres.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 255:3-6

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