Sunday, February 19, 2023

Spiritual Aridity?


Photographer unknown

At a giddy gathering of friends last week, someone mentioned the phrase “spiritual aridity”. To the best of my sketchy memory, I had never heard this term before and it intrigued me. Upon looking it up, its general religious use is rather condemnatory in nature. Many religious leaders use the term quite frequently to chastise their congregations, while some seers are saying that God sends spells of unbelief to test their faith, and — well, I was rather disappointed in seeing what an internet search brought up. When I heard this term in the midst of stimulating conversation, it immediately brought to my thoughts the lack of SpiĆ„rit which is being bandied around and sold as religion. It seems many mainstream religions are spewing false ideology, and when I thought of something which was spiritually arid, this came to mind. As I ponder this, it comes to me that the majority of people who love their church are not believing in false prophets. The religions we hear about the most, the ones which are selling themselves through commercials, billboards, and other media blitzes, are the ones which disappoint me. To all the open-hearted, helping-handed folks, I applaud you! Don’t be afraid to love right out loud!

“Millions of unprejudiced minds — simple seekers for Truth, weary wanderers, athirst in the desert — are waiting and watching for rest and drink. Give them a cup of cold water in Christ’s name, and never fear the consequences.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 570:13-17

“The Thought of God surrounds your little kingdom, waiting at the barrier you built to come inside and shine upon the barren ground. See how life springs up everywhere! The desert becomes a garden, green and deep and quiet, offering rest to those who lost their way and wander in the dust. Give them a place of refuge, prepared by love for them where once a desert was. And everyone you welcome will bring love with him from Heaven for you. They enter one by one into this holy place, but they will not depart as they had come, alone. The love they brought with them will stay with them, as it will stay with you. And under its beneficence your little garden will expand, and reach out to everyone who thirsts for living water, but has grown too weary to go on alone.” 

A Course in Miracles T-18.VIII.9:1-8

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