Thursday, January 11, 2024

Real or Insane Thoughts?

“Black Cat With Tulips and Apple Blossoms”
Art by Maud Lewis 

Often when we’re upset, we have a desire to blame someone or, alternatively, to avoid the situation altogether. Today's ACIM Lesson #12 asks us to witness events without giving them any meaning, neither good nor bad, thereby leaving ourselves blank to see what ideas come through in place of our personal feelings. If we give no meaning to anything, if we see a meaningless world, and then become upset by this void, we may be tempted to try to figure out why this is happening. If we find this exercise upsetting, let's not act upon these feelings; instead, let's witness what happens without placing an interpretation on it. When we allow Sprit (God) to manifest through us -- which is our native state as a reflection, the image and likeness of God -- we open ourselves to the field of all possibilities. We can become a blank slate for Love to write on. Who's to know where this will lead us? To quote Rumi: "Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there".

“The objects cognized by the physical senses have not the reality of substance. They are only what mortal belief calls them. Matter, sin, and mortality lose all supposed consciousness or claim to life or existence, as mortals lay off a false sense of life, substance, and intelligence. But the spiritual, eternal man is not touched by these phases of mortality.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 311:26-32

“My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. Since the thoughts of which I am aware do not mean anything, the world that pictures them can have no meaning. What is producing this world is insane, and so is what it produces. Reality is not insane, and I have real thoughts as well as insane ones. I can therefore see a real world, if I look to my real thoughts as my guide for seeing.” 

A Course in Miracles W-53.1:1-5

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