Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Giving Back

Colorado Wildflowers
Photo from Aaron Springston

Before we learn to give as we receive, we must realize what we are receiving! It could be said we're receiving the gifts of God. But what is that? We are learning it is the knowledge that our true state is Spirit, that we are one with All That Is. We needn't worry that we're not good enough, that we don't know enough, that we've made too many mistakes to qualify as the reflection of God. All those thoughts have been propagated as fact, but they are only material belief. When we are open to receiving divine Life, Truth, and Love, that is what we give to the world with every breath, with every inspiration.

“What has been given you? The knowledge that you are a mind, in Mind and purely mind, sinless forever, wholly unafraid, because you were created out of love. Nor have you left your Source, remaining as you were created. This was given you as knowledge which you cannot lose. It was given as well to every living thing, for by that knowledge only does it live. (ACIM, W-158.1:1-5)

“The healing power of Truth must have been far anterior to the period in which Jesus lived. It is as ancient as ‘the Ancient of days.' It lives through all Life, and extends throughout all space.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 146:25-27 

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