Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Be With Those Who Help Your Being

Good Friends at a Jim Young Book Signing

Gathering with others is a lovely way to be reminded of the Truth inherent in us. “Let not my mind deny the Thought of God.” [A Course in Miracles Workbook #165] The Thought of God isn't our thinking about God, but our listening to the Thought which is God. I love to talk with others and hear how these images of divine Mind shine through the myths we have created for ourselves in daily life. More and more, we are realizing what is true and what is simply habitual thinking, perpetuated by repetition. And how do we know if it's coming from the one Source or our mortal, limited thinking? Does it make my heart sing and my mind feel at peace? Does it bless all equally, along with me? Or do I feel an uneasiness which I can't exactly pinpoint? Maybe there's a feeling of importance and superiority. These last two things are sure indicators that the thoughts are coming from my limiting sense of ego and not the One Mind, God. Today I want to "Be with those who help [my] being." Rumi

“How empty are our conceptions of Deity! We admit theoretically that God is good, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinite, and then we try to give information to this infinite Mind. We plead for unmerited pardon and for a liberal outpouring of benefactions. Are we really grateful for the good already received? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more. Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech.”
Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 3:17-27

“The Thought of God created you. It left you not, nor have you ever been apart from it an instant. ³It belongs to you. By it you live. It is your Source of life, holding you one with it, and everything is one with you because it left you not. The Thought of God protects you, cares for you, makes soft your resting place and smooth your way, lighting your mind with happiness and love. Eternity and everlasting life shine in your mind, because the Thought of God has left you not, and still abides with you.” 
A Course in Miracles - W-165.1.1-7

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