Saturday, June 8, 2024

Taking a Stand Against Anger

Broomfield, Colorado
Taken during my current visit

Have you ever heard these statements? "It's my cross to bear." "He/a thorn in my side." These are ways of saying that some things and/or people seem to be a problem in our life, and we're carrying them around as though they're a part of us and we have no choice but to bear it. There's a particular topic of contention in our town which never fails to get me riled. I like to think nothing bothers me, but this seems to be my "cross to bear." Motorcycles. Big, loud, revving motorcycles. Obviously I can change the way I think about them. It should be easy to see the drivers as reflections of Love, unified by our humanity, not separated by our mode of transportation. Today I shall choose to look at this differently. Another saying comes to mind: “God, give me strength!”

"’Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ It should be thoroughly understood that all men have one Mind, one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. Mankind will become perfect in proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established." 

Mary Baker Eddy- Science & Health Page 467:16-20

“Today we practice differently, and take a stand against our anger, that our fears may disappear and offer room to love. Here is salvation in the simple words in which we practice with today’s idea. Here is the answer to temptation which can never fail to welcome in the Christ where fear and anger had prevailed before. Here is Atonement made complete, the world passed safely by and Heaven now restored. Here is the answer of the Voice for God.”

A Course in Miracles W-161.1:1-5

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