Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Seeing Love

We are the consciousness of God, or divine Mind. With this realization we are stepping into a new/old world. Our expanding understanding is allowing natural shifts in our lives. But it's easy to slip back into discarded ways of thinking, and I've done so more than once. I've been defending silly behavior on my part, lashing out if anyone comes close to exposing my foolishness. I must keep in mind that when I judge others, I judge myself. When I defend, I become defenseless. When I live in Love, I am among the ministers of God. One of my favorite statements from A Course in Miracles is, "Choose again!" And so when I find myself indulging in erroneous thinking and/or actions, I won’t beat myself up metaphorically; but rather shall remember I can, literally, change my choice and go forward with joy! 

“People go into ecstasies over the sense of a corporeal Jehovah, though with scarcely a spark of love in their hearts; yet God is Love, and without Love, God, immortality cannot appear.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health 453:14-15

“But see the Love of God in you, and you will see it everywhere because it is everywhere.”

A Course in Miracles T-7.VII.10:4

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