Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 8, 2011

ACIM Lesson #281
“I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.”

"The Gathering"
Clay Sculpture which flowed through Ken Starbird

[Marsha's thoughts]
We all know of instances which demonstrate the supremacy of spirit to matter. We've heard of, or witnessed, or experienced events which cause us to examine our long-held beliefs concerning material so-called laws. The first one that always comes to my mind is of my older son falling 15 feet or so off of an embankment, landing in an area of rocks and boulders. When he was falling, he tells me he didn't think anything in specific, but because of his early teaching and his knowledge of God he simply knew that all was well. It never crossed his mind that he would be injured, because he knows the Truth of his existence. When he landed, he looked down and saw his foot and lower leg inside the bolder! As he walked away he realized he wasn't particularly surprised, but he was certainly attentive. What was this which allows material laws to be put aside? Hum -- they must not be laws! His sureness in limitless Good has been shown in other instances, such as close encounters with a crevasse in Mongolia and a snow-covered boulder while skiing in Colorado. A moment-by-moment certainty of the Principle of all Being assures us that all is well, and allows us to walk in the surety of that beautiful fact.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“You cause bodily sufferings and increase them by admitting their reality and continuance, as directly as you enhance your joys by believing them to be real and continuous. When an accident happens, you think or exclaim, "I am hurt!" Your thought is more powerful than your words, more powerful than the accident itself, to make the injury real. Now reverse the process. Declare that you are not hurt and understand the reason why, and you will find the ensuing good effects to be in exact proportion to your disbelief in physics, and your fidelity to divine metaphysics, confidence in God as All.”
Science & Health Page 397: 9-22

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 7, 2011

ACIM Lesson #280
"What limits can I lay upon God's Son?"

Beaver Bridge
photo from Jim Young

[Marsha's thoughts]
So many thoughts go through my mind about how we limit ourselves. By the act of thinking we are material, we limit ourselves. But we are freed by the realization that spirit is not in matter. Okay, so we are truly Spirit, but we appear to be matter, and spirit isn't in this matter. So how does that work? Our governing force, our True Self, is spiritual. We are an idea -- a divine, compound Idea of God. This idea is what is perfect. The matter we see all around us is corporeal -- obviously! It changes, it disappears, it does not fit any definition of perfection we have in our vocabulary. So we try to make it fit, saying that everything is perfect just as it is, which leaves us feeling somehow punished because we're so miserable. I have found that every concept which includes spirit as being somehow co-mingled with matter brings me to a dead-end in thinking time and again. Only by agreeing that we are limitless Spirit, neither compressed in nor bound to matter, can I feel the freedom that has no limits. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The everlasting I AM is not bounded nor compressed within the narrow limits of physical humanity, nor can He be understood aright through mortal concepts. The precise form of God must be of small importance in comparison with the sublime question, What is infinite Mind or divine Love?"
Science & Health Page 256:13-18

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 6, 2011

ACIM Lesson #279
“Creation's freedom promises my own.”
Aaron in Mongolia
[Marsha's thoughts]
Isn't it interesting to think of preconceived notions! For instance, when we have acquaintances whom we haven't met, we may imagine them sitting in their living room as they talk to us on the phone. When a loved one tells us about an experience, we "see" them in that situation and fill in the picture in interesting ways. When we think about God, images may come to mind which may be no more than fairy tales and other myths remembered. When we are told we are free, certain images may come to mind. And so what of our bondage which is only imagined? I know I live in those beliefs every day and it often seems impossible to be released from them. As children we are told not to talk to strangers, to be careful lest we fall, to be afraid of God, to live in certain ways in order to gain the approval of others -- the list goes on. It seems to make sense that we must follow a multitude of rules and beliefs in order to exist on this plane, and when we start to realize most of these so-called rules have nothing to do with our true existence it can be frightening -- and exhilarating! The freedom of our true creation is seen through a change in our perception of reality. Taking ourselves out of the prison of preconceived notions allows the Love we are to show through our actions in sublime ways. An "ah-ha" moment can become an "ummmm" moment!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Omnipotent and infinite Mind [God] made all and includes all. This Mind does not make mistakes and subsequently correct them.”
Science and Health Page 206:28–30

October 5, 2011

ACIM Lesson #248
“If I am bound, my Father is not free.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
Sometimes the miasma of materiality seems overwhelming. It's easy to feel bound by illnesses and painful injuries, financial burdens, grief, and all the other beliefs we see as reality. Our lives and the events in them may appear to have a beginning and an end. Physicists tell us of a perspective called quantum entanglement, in which particles separate yet remain connected, reacting to stimuli in the same way even though they are no longer occupy the same space. In a book by Dan Cowan, Mind Underlies Spacetime, he explains, "...this direct connectedness occurs because each real entity is already everywhere." This perfectly explains our Oneness with All That Is, and this understanding of our permanence in God frees us from fear of human circumstance. This omnipresence is our perfect identify, without boundaries, which we express more every day through our apprehension thereof. Today I will start with this idea and see where it takes me!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea. This conviction shuts the door on death, and opens it wide towards immortality. The understanding and recognition of Spirit must finally come, and we may as well improve our time in solving the mysteries of being through an apprehension of divine Principle. At present we know not what man is, but we certainly shall know this when man reflects God.”
Science & Health Page 90:24-31

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 4, 2011

ACIM Lesson #277
“Let me not bind Your Son with laws I made.”

[ACIM prayer for the day]
“Your Son is free, my Father. Let me not imagine I have bound him with the laws I made to rule the body. He is not subject to any laws I made by which I try to make the body more secure. He is not changed by what is changeable. He is not slave to any laws of time. He is as You created him, because he knows no law except the law of love.”

Photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
I've repeated the phrase "change is good" so much recently that a friend gave me a change purse with that saying on it! We are all loosing bonds which hold us to thought that simply is not working. We're changing everything from the way we shop to the way we love. As we examine the beliefs we live by, we realize we can be a law unto ourselves. The fears that have followed us throughout our lives have shaped our view of ourselves and everything around us. But a universal shift in thought is upon us and we're each feeling it in our own way. The understanding that we don't have to be bound by any material belief because our true identify is spiritual is bringing us to a tipping point in consciousness realization. This freedom will be absolutely experienced. When? Well, as we're not slaves to time, why not now!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The supposed laws which result in weariness and disease are not His laws, for the legitimate and only possible action of Truth is the production of harmony. Laws of nature are laws of Spirit; but mortals commonly recognize as law that which hides the power of Spirit. Divine Mind rightly demands man's entire obedience, affection, and strength. No reservation is made for any lesser loyalty. Obedience to Truth gives man power and strength. Submission to error superinduces loss of power.”
Science & Health Page 183:16-25

October 3, 2011

ACIM Lesson #276
“The Word of God is given me to speak.”
[Marsha's thoughts]
Alice in Wonderland has been coming to me from multiple avenues. Alice repeats many times in many circumstances that this is just a dream. She says, This is MY dream and you can't hurt me. Sometimes it's a self-righteous, This is MY dream and I can wake up any time I want. But yet, she continues to be victimized in various ways. Even though she knows the Truth, she can't seem to demonstrate it! I've always felt a kinship with Alice, as I'm sure many of you do, too. I think the ACIM lesson for today could have been an inspiration to Alice. To speak this Word is to live it. Until we understand these words, we don't have a chance of speaking (living) them. Let's allow these harmonies to take possession of human consciousness and thereby find our way to Truth, just like Alice.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Let discord of every name and nature be heard no more, and let the harmonious and true sense of Life and being take possession of human consciousness.”
Science and Health Page 355:11-14

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011

ACIM Lesson #275 
“God's healing Voice protects all things today.”

"Tosca Ascending"
fabric creation by
Sandy Wythawai Starbird

[Marsha's thoughts]
Through relaxing into what's going on around us, combined with the recognition of all True Being as One, wonderful things happen! Yesterday I spoke of the many motorcycles in our area and the commotion which seems to ensue with their influx. The peace which we behold in every situation IS the protection which is ours simply for the accepting. In talking to people who are being of service to the tourists in our town, I heard time and again wonderful stories of our visitors. One shopkeeper was particularly impressed by the kindness and generosity of the motorcycle people, citing many instances of harmony. The noise of the motors trapped between buildings and mountains didn't seem too loud, the people didn't seem pushy, and everyone was happy! One of the local businesses which has in the past been involved in altercations with motorcycle aficionados saw the way to peace by not being open for business. It seems everywhere we looked there were instances of harmony, with all existing together and appreciating each other. A drumming in the park topped off a grand day in downtown Eureka. And all were protected in perfect peace.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God gives the lesser idea of Himself for a link to the greater, and in return, the higher always protects the lower."
Science & Health Page 518:13-14

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Photo credit: Richard Quick The final five workbook lessons in A Course in Miracles stress the use of few words. Having watched a documentar...