Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2, 2012 - Forgiveness gives ...

A Course in Miracles Lesson #122
"Forgiveness offers everything I want."
"Washington D.C., USA"
Photo by Aaron Springston

[Marsha's thoughts]
The forgiveness we speak of today is all-encompassing. This is more than just saying we don't hold a grudge against someone for something. The "forgiveness [which] offers everything I want" is born from the practice of realizing our unity with God, hence our Oneness with each other. By this understanding we can look past the multitude of forms which present themselves to us in the guise of reality, and in looking through this veil realize and demonstrate Truth. What more could we want other than peace, joy, love, contentment, bliss, appreciation, and satisfaction with all that is? And this larger, all-encompassing forgiveness reconciles any so-called differences we may have with each other, along with anything we are holding against ourselves. Allowing divine Love to guide our every action and thought frees us to live a purity only dreamed of when our lives are dictated by material beliefs and habits. It's always amazing to me that people think they shouldn't speak to each other simply because they disagree about certain things. I like oranges, you like apples. So what? Our commonality rests in the Oneness of our true being. That's a constant reality!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.”
Science & Health Page 494:10-11

Monday, April 30, 2012

May 1, 2012 - Forgiveness unveils happiness

"Red Butte Mom and Grandmom"
photo by Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Lesson #121
“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”

[Marsha's thoughts]

In today's workbook lesson, we are asked to think of someone we don't like, who irritates us perhaps, someone we don't enjoy being around. In the time it takes to read the last sentence, we have chosen this person! Contemplate him. Meditate on her. Find some bit of light in them and let it grow until you feel the goodness, the God, which they inherently are. After we have allowed this feeling to grow, we are asked to think of someone we like and transfer that good feeling to them. In doing this, we then realize there is no difference in these people. All feelings of separation are released in this forgiveness, this realization of their Oneness with each other and ourself. By this process, we give and receive, understanding the unity in these seemingly separate acts. Whatever we give, we receive, because we already have the kingdom within us. So-called forgiveness is the letting go of false beliefs in various forms of separation, the understanding of the power contained in this realization, and the demonstration of that fact. Letting Love rule every aspect of our thought is forgiveness, because there is no room for anything but this Love when it is admitted as the only reality of our being. To paraphrase Mrs. Eddy, Love fills all space and there is nothing else to think about. That understanding is enough to allow happiness to reign!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty,and glory of infinite Love fill all space. That is enough!
Science & Health Page 520:3-5

Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 30, 2012 - Meditating with St. Petersburg Quartet

Course in Miracles Lesson #120
Review of:
(109) I rest in God.
(110) I am as God created me.

"Heather in Portland, OR"
photo by Aaron Springston
[Marsha's thoughts]
I recently had the privilege of attending a performance of the St. Petersburg String Quartet in our small, acoustically-sound historic auditorium. Listening to classical music is my favorite meditation! Allowing nothing else to enter thought other than the uplifting calm which comes from losing myself in wordless music is perfection.  As with any meditation, at first various things came up in thought, which I acknowledged and released. By consistently doing this, at some point there was nothing other than the sense-filling strains of musical fulfillment. "I rest in God". This experience was further enhanced by the performance of an 11-year-old girl named Claire Luan Wells. This sweet child expertly plays both piano and violin. First of all, she played a solo on the piano and we were enthralled. Then she played the lead violin part along with the quartet, beautifully interpreting Vivaldi's Spring. Oh my! The quartet was seated, and she was standing, swaying, living the music which flowed out through her with a sweetness rarely witnessed. As she stood and played, barely taller standing than the adults were sitting, she took me to places I'd long forgotten. In reflection, I see that we need not be limited by age or experience. Everything is at our fingertips by virtue of our Oneness with all that is. If you wake up one morning with a feeling that you'd like to do something you've never done before, surrender to the impulse and see where it takes you. At this time of great changes and shifts in perceptions, we are being asked to accept that many possibilities exist which we never imagined. I feel this little girl piano/violin player is a perfect example of this. Allow yourself to be led wherever inner knowing guides. Embrace the knowledge that you are as God created you, rejoice in remembering everything you've forgotten, love out loud!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God creates and governs the universe, including man. The universe is filled with spiritual ideas, which He evolves, and they are obedient to the Mind that makes them. Mortal mind would transform the spiritual into the material, and then recover man's original self in order to escape from the mortality of this error. Mortals are not like immortals, created in God's own image; but infinite Spirit being all, mortal consciousness will at last yield to the scientific fact and disappear, and the real sense of being, perfect and forever intact, will appear.”
Science & Health Page 295:5-15

April 29, 2012 - Truth Trumps Error

Aaron Hangin' in Oregon
photo by Heather Magnan

ACIM Lesson #119
Review of: (107) Truth will correct all errors in my mind. (108) To give and to receive are one in truth.
[Marsha's thoughts]
Many people have been telling me they think this Truth we speak of is difficult to understand. One person says it's incomprehensible unless you've had years of study and training. Another says she's not smart enough to "get it". Yet another says she's not up for the hard work this way of living entails. So I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately. Is it true? Does it take some special dispensation, some quantum gift from beyond, some unraveling of DNA, years of study perhaps? I suppose we think it takes a long time to change our thought basis because it's taken us a long time to think in the ways we presently do. Most of us have 12 to 20 years of formal education as proof that it's difficult to learn everything we need to know. Maybe that's why we tend to balk at what could be a lifetime of work. But wait a minute! What is with this "lifetime" business? Aren't we floating in eternity? I feel that we already know all there is to know. It's our birthright as a child of God. The part that takes practice is leaving the erroneous teachings of this lifetime behind us. The easy part is the realization that Truth is always within us, just waiting to be discovered. And with this discovery comes a renewal of our mind, a rediscovery of the Truth we've always known, which easily pushes aside false beliefs. So, no, I don't think it's hard work. But it is dedicated work. A dedicated discipline to seeing and feeling as Love. Not through Love, not with Love, but as Love. That is our essence. That is our Truth. Let's keep it simple!
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Because Truth is infinite, error should be known as nothing. Because Truth is omnipotent in goodness, error, Truth's opposite, has no might. Evil is but the counterpoise of nothingness. The greatest wrong is but a supposititious opposite of the highest right. The confidence inspired by Science lies in the fact that Truth is real and error is unreal. Error is a coward before Truth. Divine Science insists that time will prove all this. Both truth and error have come nearer than ever before to the apprehension of mortals, and truth will become still clearer as error is self-destroyed.”
Science & Health Page 329:21-31

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 28, 2012 - Peace, be still ...

"Heather in Montana"
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Lesson #118
Review of:
(105) God's peace and joy are mine.
(106) Let me be still and listen to the truth.

[Marsha's thoughts]
When our minds are busy with worries and repetitive thoughts, when we're voicing our concerns either orally or mentally, it's very difficult to hear the still, small voice of Truth. This is why I always recommend meditation for people who tell me they are having problems sleeping. Not only must the mind be quiet for easy, peaceful falling into sleep, but the last thoughts we think before sinking into this other-worldly abyss are very important! We have been told by material practitioners of various disciplines that sound sleep is necessary to good health; that it facilitates healing in on-going ways which are necessary to our well-being. I've always felt this is true because we need to be quiet to hear the "still, small voice" that is ever-present, but often drowned out by the constant chatter we allow into our heads. This listening mode of being is essential to health, because this health we speak of comes from listening to our true Self rather than the material beliefs of the ages. One of "my" artists told me a lovely story of letting go and allowing. She has been hard at work creating new paintings for the May Festival of the Arts in Eureka Springs. She tells me that recently she wasn't able to sleep, that she was thinking perhaps she shouldn't even bother painting, it wasn't worth it, and other such things. Suddenly her computer awakened and she got up to see what was going on. There was an email from me telling her not to worry, that her show would be hung in its entirety and it would be wonderful! With this reassurance, she laid down and immediately went to sleep. I think this perfectly demonstrates how silencing our lips and thoughts to materialism allows Love to replace error, then peace and joy reign supreme in our existence.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Lips must be mute and materialism silent, that man may have audience with Spirit, the divine Principle, Love, which destroys all error.”
Science & Health Page 15:11-13

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 27, 2012 - Letting go of stereotypes

Heather or Aaron
Photo by one or the other

ACIM Lesson 117
Review of:
(103) God, being Love, is also happiness.
(104) I seek but what belongs to me in truth.

[Marsha's thoughts]
At a recent gathering of women, the talk centered around stereotypes of people, how these have changed over the years, what keeps them alive, and how we really, truly think about such things. While the talk was stimulating and fun for all involved, we were looking at this from an entirely matter-based standpoint. No mention or thought was given to the reality of our Being and the fact that there truly is no difference in any of us. The way it seems is that we are all different. Our race, nationality, teachings, are said to combine to make us who we are. We supposedly have differences which are sometimes irreconcilable with others of our species. I was reminded of something Isaac Asimov said in one of his novels. I don't have the exact quote, but it was to the effect that we, as humans would not realize our unity until life was discovered on another planet; then it could be us against them. And this is the way it seems to be. This is why, in the study of metaphysical realities, we are so eager to let go of these beliefs which keep us shackled to thought which is stagnant. Living every moment in Love precludes thinking of others as different. Although it seems impossible that we could all live in this way, doing no harm to anyone or anything, always expressing our perfection as a reflection of God, it is not. This possibility is an actuality in the reality of our Being which we're seeing more clearly every day. Love and happiness are our realities, and this Truth is seen clearly when the veil of material beliefs is lifted.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“...God is Love, and without Love, God, immortality cannot appear. Mortals try to believe without understanding Truth; yet God is Truth.”
Science & Health Page 312:16-19

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 26, 2012 - Happiness is the way.

"Heather on a Montana Morning"
photo by Aaron Springston

Course in Miracles Lesson #116
Review of:
(101) God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
(102) I share God's Will for happiness for me.
As sage words tell us: There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. I've witnessed  events in the last few days which illustrate sabotage of happiness or, alternatively, grabbing ahold of happiness and not letting go, even in the most harsh of experiences. How many times a day are we tempted to lose a peaceful, happy feeling because of the habit of thinking in unhappy ways. I heard a story of a state trooper, somewhere in the panhandle of Texas, wielding his authority in a petty and foolish way. When I hear things like this, I silently affirm the Truth of the situation: that this person is also a child of God. In this affirmation, it's implied what he is not: that is, the material illusion of tyranny he is putting forth. On the other hand, I could entertain thoughts of what is wrong with this policeman. But this would rob me of happiness! I could say, "I hate it when people do that." And that leaves me hating certain actions, rather than seeing the situation through spiritual sense. And so I've given away my happiness for unnecessary finger pointing. For every action which quashes happiness, there are multitudes which affirm its ever-presence. I ran into an old friend in the grocery store. Last fall she lost her 13-year-old daughter, an only child. When I asked her how she was doing, she said she was doing great for the most part; that there were a few tough days, but she knew it was dishonoring her sweet child's memory to give her life to mourning. And so she found ways to be happy, living Life as an affirmation of her daughter's Truth. I felt humbled in her presence. How dare I shoot down joy over nothing other than silly habitual thinking? I'd rather live Love instead!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Upon this stage of existence goes on the dance of mortal mind. Mortal thoughts chase one another like snowflakes, and drift to the ground. [The] Science [of The Christ] reveals Life as not being at the mercy of death, nor will [this] Science admit that happiness is ever the sport of circumstance."
Science & Health Page 250:28-1

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