Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 14, 2014 - My Will Be Done!

ACIM Workbook Lesson #73
“I will there be light.”

So much is said about willpower and its role in our self-control. And there is always more to be said and written about the subject, because of its changeable nature. But that's not the type of will that is being written of in today's ACIM workbook lesson. It's the same type of will talked about in "thy will be done". But it's the realization that "thy" is the same as "my" will be done. This will which we are yielding to is not some outer authority in the sky telling us what we should want. It's the omniscient, omnipresent gentle presence which is always present, but we so often hide with our human will, our mortal mind. This yielding of self will to the ever-present divine Mind manifests Itself in many wonderful ways. I witnessed one of those tonight. One of the constant complaints in our small tourist town is that our merchants are not open late enough at night. A local publicity agency in our town has come up with the idea to focus on what does go on at night in our town: 13 bars within walking distance in our historic downtown area. I hope this idea will grow to include the two music shows and the Great Passion Play which are nightly events  in our town. By focusing on what Is, rather than what isn't -- now, that's bringing in the light! Let It Be ~~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"The power of the human will should be exercised only in subordination to Truth; else it will misguide the judgment and free the lower propensities. It is the province of spiritual sense to govern man. Material, erring, human thought acts injuriously both upon the body and through it."

Science & Health Page 206:4-9

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