Friday, February 13, 2015

February 12, 2015 - Pure Sight

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #43:
"God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him."

Today we are pondering the differences in our personal perception and universal knowledge. Our perception, as we well know, is colored by belief and what we think of as knowledge. Knowledge is Truth. This Truth, with a capital T, is God. This from today's A Course in Miracles lesson, "You cannot see apart from God because you cannot be apart from God." This statement solidifies our understanding of Oneness and allows us to assert these facts fearlessly as a reflection of God. A neighbor told me of her physical maladies and made the statement that we always tend to think of the worst thing that could happen. While it would be rude to tell her that she should stop doing that and that it is possible to see with the vision of God, that is what I thought. I can’t change how she sees everything, but I can certainly change what I think about it! As I go through this day, I will notice how I am seeing and remember that God is my Source and that my heritage is pure sight.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Man is more than a material form with a mind inside, which must escape from its environments in order to be immortal. Man reflects infinity, and this reflection is the true idea of God."
Science & Health Page 258:9-12

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