Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Be My Mind

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #232
“Be in my mind, my Father, through the day."

Certain words cause me to cringe and so (at this point in my releasing of belief and learned behavior) I simply leave them out or change them. For instance, in today’s topic I prefer to leave out the words ”in" and “my Father”. With the word “in”, I immediately think there is something missing that I need to bring into me, so I prefer to say “be my mind”. Changing the wording allows me to feel more at One with this ever presence I am acknowledging. I’ve also left out the word "Father" for much the same reason. The human connotations which have been given to this term overwhelm some people, perhaps even me, although I've worked hard to give up any idea of a man in the clouds giving out favors or throwing lightning bolts! I urge you to not worry about semantics and other word games we tend to play with ourselves. But when something causes me discomfort in the wording of these spiritual exercises, I have no problem with thinking of it in another way, until my thinking about the words has changed. After all, this is what it's all about: changing our thought!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
IN:  A term obsolete in Science if used with reference to Spirit, or Deity.”

Science & Health Page 588:22-23

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