Monday, August 3, 2015

Marriage or ...?

photo from Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #216
Central Theme: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” Review: #196 “It can be but myself I crucify.”

When I think back on my marriages, I wonder if things would have been different if I had put as much effort into listening to divine Mind as I did into following the social morès of the day. Expectations abounded in every direction: what we would be doing in a few years, how many kids we would or wouldn't have, how we would grow together until we were some sort of perfect single being. All sorts of odd things go through your mind when you're young and you believe in the mid-1900s television version of marriage. And so I crucified myself time and again (and again!) with false expectations and blame. Would things be different today with the Knowledge I am beginning to attain? I like to think so!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Marriage should signify a union of hearts. Furthermore, the time cometh of which Jesus spake, when he declared that in the resurrection there should be no more marrying nor giving in marriage, but man would be as the angels. Then shall Soul rejoice in its own, in which passion has no part. Then white-robed purity will unite in one person masculine wisdom and feminine love, spiritual understanding and perpetual peace."

Science & Health Page 64:17-25

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