Sunday, August 9, 2015

Waking Up to Oneness

photo by Alden Stallings
ACIM Workbook Lesson #222
“God is with me. I live and move in Him.”

We are waking up from our dream of separation! In this awakening, we are actualizing another level of living. We are becoming more consciously intuitive in our daily activities. Whereas we used to think of "hunches" as meaningless feelings, we are now realizing they're whispers from divine Mind. Living life as the reflection of Love opens thought to our Oneness, and we see a world without judgment. People are dropping life-long habits, and they're glad to see them go!  Today's ACIM lesson states this: "God is with me. He is my Source of life, the life within, the air I breathe, the food by which I am sustained, the water which renews and cleanses me. He is my home, wherein I live and move ..." And so it Is ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The universe reflects and expresses the divine substance or Mind...”

Science & Health Page 300:29-30

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