Thursday, June 8, 2017

Fear or Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #160
“I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.”

Fear is a stranger to the ways of love. Identify with fear, and you will be a stranger to yourself.” I’m sure most of you know someone who identifies with fear, turning every situation into a nervous drama. A minor incident from today’s wanderings comes to thought. I was in the media center of our library and a woman I’ve known for years was all atwitter about her first computer lesson. As she got up from the keyboard, she had a barrage of questions for the librarian, most of them fearful what-ifs. As I was choosing videos to check out, she came up to me and continued fretting about the computer, telling me she was afraid she would break it. I assured her that unless she took a baseball bat to it or threw water on it, she wasn’t likely to do it harm. I immediately noticed the contrast between this woman and a young woman whom I’d met earlier while doing laundry. She had moved to a strange town with two young children, knowing deep inside she was in the right spot. She was at home and she wore that loving knowledge for all to see. What a beautiful sight!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your clear sense and calm trust, that the recognition of life harmonious — as Life eternally is — can destroy any painful sense of, or belief in, that which Life is not.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures  495:16-20 


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