Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Old Friends

Two old friends are on my mind today. I haven’t spoken deeply with either of these women since the three of us went to the Carroll County Fair around 10 years ago. We ate in the Cattlemen's booth, and I watched in amusement as one woman said shocking things and the other was embarrassed. Then we rode the ferris wheel. It was one of the strangest, most memorable events of my life! One of these women has come back to town after a long absence, and the other is very ill. One of them is functionally autistic, a European, and a sister in metaphysical studies. The other is a lifelong friend, outgoing and shy at the same time. She burned her bridges with us years ago, never responding to phone calls or letters. In my reminiscences I realize the genuine affection I feel for both of these people. I send them Love and wish them happiness, praying they find what they need, trusting they will contact me when the time is right. I wish you joy, sweet friends...

"One marvels that a friend can ever seem less than beautiful. Men and women of riper years and larger lessons ought to ripen into health and immortality, instead of lapsing into darkness or gloom. Immortal Mind feeds the body with supernal freshness and fairness, supplying it with beautiful images of thought and destroying the woes of sense which each day brings to a mearer tomb." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 248

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