Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Human Sigh For Peace & Love

It has been a number of years since I’ve been around teenagers, so it was great to feel the exuberance which surrounded them during a joyous choir rehearsal. Ben Winn is the director of music at one of the churches I play for, and he also teaches choir at my alma mater, Berryville High School. I joined him for a short while today to help his choir learn new music. When I was in school almost five decades ago, we had a small band room and there was no choir. Now there is a fine arts building which vibrates with good energy! Although I’ve always known the importance of music in developing a whole person, it was good to be reminded. These students are compassionate and kind. It shows in their eyes. I hope I get to go back sometime and soak up more of their joy!

"The human sigh for peace and love is answered and compensated by divine Love. Music is more than sound in unison. The deaf Beethoven besieges you with tones intricate, profound, commanding. Mozart rests you. To me his composition is the triumph of art, for he measures himself against deeper grief. I want not only quality, quantity, and variation in tone, but the unction of Love. Music is divine. Mind, not matter, makes music; and if the divine tone be lacking, the human tone has no melody for me." Mary Baker Eddy - Message to the Mother Church, 1900, P11:8

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