Friday, December 11, 2020

Door To The Other Side

photo credit: Datura Böes

One of my favorite Facebook friends is someone whom I've never met in person -- at least I don't think I have! We share many mutual friends and I love her photographs, her words, her cooking, her animals, and her family. This is what she wrote to go along with the photo I include today: "In noticing the small details of life, we find gratitude. And in that gratitude - hope. - D. Böes" If I'm feeling happy, this woman's posts bring me greater joy; if I'm down, she helps me see the light again. I am grateful for every one of you who keep on looking up when there are so many sinkholes lurking around us. In stepping away from the turmoil, returning to nature, listening to voices of Love, we rejuvenate ourselves and, hence, everyone. I had a mini-meltdown today precipitated by all the vitriol  our "leaders" throw at us all day, every day. My dear Kevin helped me to see that important things are happening in our world and I can't stick my head in the sand. I helped him to understand how I want to know what's happening, but not all the details of how we get there. Having a little crying jag now and then is a good thing, I think. Then I can get up and see something wonderful, like Datura's words and photos, and find the strength to keep on doing what I need to do. Please, feel free to reach out if you hit that wall. There is always a door to the other side!

"Love, redolent with unselfishness, bathes all in beauty and light." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 516:12

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