Thursday, December 17, 2020


photo credit: Aaron Springston

The single thing I've heard people say they have missed this year is hugging. I have friends who are super-huggers, holding on and passing good vibes until you feel unified. I think it's that connection which is missed by so many of us, don't you? We, the huggers, were used to hugging when greeting each other, no matter if it had been a day or a year since we'd last met. We would run across friends, no matter where, and we'd hug. Events such as a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert at the Auditorium could induce mass hugging which, I'm sure, caused the whole building to vibrate in happiness! For months and months, this activity has been impermissible, even though the pull we feel towards each other is magnetic. And so we find other ways to express our joy in meeting one another. I'm rather glad we'll never be shaking hands again, as I always found that to be an odd custom. I prefer the bow to the handshake -- but give me a big hug any day of the week, rather than any other form of greeting! How delightful it was to discover this little video (link below) in an email from our sweet friend, Jim Young! We can still hug trees, we can still feel that connection with All That Is by engaging in this activity, and we can still feel the joy of connection which comes from hugging a living being. Thank you, Jim, for sending us this reminder of how grand it is to hug a tree! Thank you Sarah Wallace Scott for making this video! Much love sent to you this day...

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