Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Elders


I slept late this morning and woke up dreaming of well-loved and respected relatives who passed on many years ago. It was a happy dream and I carried their memories sweetly today. These feelings prompted me to telephone a 97-year-old half sister in Beaumont, and a 97-year old sister-in-law in Dallas. Both of these women have lived a full and active life, and even though they are now housebound they continue to find ways to remain joyous. Lucy and Ora Beth have many things in common, including their voracious appetite for biased news. They joyfully told me what Rush Limbaugh had to say today and their belief that they were well-informed by their reading of the Epoch News. Numerous times I reminded myself that I had a choice of being kind or right; telling slant truth when possible, and keeping quiet when I wanted to shout. I am grateful for these dear women, and for their strong opinions built from years of hardship and minding their manners. My very favorite relative passed away in October, having lived 93 years in Lubbock. These tough Texas women have enriched the lives of everyone they touched, no matter how briefly, myself included. Thank you, ​elders of our clan, for your love!

​"Jesus acknowledged no ties of the flesh. ... He recognized Spirit, God, as the only creator, and therefore as the Father of all." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 31:4​

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