Monday, December 28, 2020

Get Your Sturdy Shoes Ready

Years ago, I read or heard Wayne Dyer say that we don’t need spiritual writings to teach us Truth; that we can find it anywhere, if we’re open to it. His words came back to me while reading last week’s local newspaper. Nicky Boyette’s gardening column ended with this: “Gardening is art, pure science, therapy, and a habit hard to break.” With many of us turning to gardening during the months of isolation, this seems particularly uplifting! If you’re feeling blue, plan your flower garden, patio garden, window box, anything which allows us to experience growth. Then I read Mary Pat Boian’s column which ended with these words: “It seems to me that in this solstice time of long nights, cold weather and unreliable tomorrows, we can feel noble knowing our worth is measured by our spirit, and honestly, isn’t that what Christmas is about? Or do we simply understand that we have to walk far to get somewhere special? Hope we all get sturdy shoes for Christmas.” Dear Friends, we’ve been preparing all our lives for waking up to the light, and I know we’re ready! 

“Mortal mind must waken to spiritual life before it cares to solve the problems of being...but when that awakening comes, existence will be on a new standpoint.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 556:26

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