Thursday, May 27, 2021

Discovering Better Ways

photo credit: Richard Quick

 ​What gratitude I feel in my heart for this past year! I’ve loved watching the changes we have undergone during what can only be described as challenging times. The extremes in behavioral tendencies have been remarkable, and my admiration and, alternatively, repugnance for people’s actions has been manic/depressive in scope! Schools, restaurants, medical facilities, churches, retail stores, bridge clubs, music festivals — everything! — has changed and evolved, mostly in positive, more efficient ways. While we look forward to getting back together in groups to celebrate holidays and enjoy events, many of us have become more sedate in our enjoyment of life. I remember one man posting on Facebook what a relief it was to not have to attend every event in Eureka Springs, as he had always felt he would miss something if he was not there. Eureka parades are legendary, and not having them has taken some of the exuberance from us — particularly Valerie Damon, who is in this wonderful photograph — but by not being obliged to attend gallery openings and fundraisers, many have relaxed into the silence between thoughts, and discovered they are happy there. Hopefully we don’t rush back into the old ways too quickly, missing the chance to find better ways of living. Namaste...

“The true theory of the universe, including man, is not in material history but in spiritual development. Inspired thought relinquishes a material, sensual, and mortal theory of the universe and adopts the spiritual and immortal.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 547:25

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