Saturday, June 5, 2021

A Series of Unfortunate Events


photo credit: Aaron Springston

Looking back at the series of unfortunate events of today, I could be tempted to say “I’ve had a bad day”. But I don’t care for that phrase, or even believe that such a thing is possible. Days are, after all, neither good nor bad (only thinking makes them so!). The act of living in the present makes all the difference, don’t you think? I won’t list the mishaps and oddities which have occurred around me today, but I have closely examined my thoughts and actions. I’m not one to chant affirmations, but rather attempt to live by intuition, which can be heard from listening instead of telling. You can’t push the river, you know! Usually, before going out the door, I quiet myself and ask for the wisdom to listen for what I should do and where I should be. I did not do that today. As I sit here pondering, I think of my dear, departed Kevin and a serious accident he was involved in almost 40 years ago. If he had been a few seconds later or sooner in his arrival at an intersection, he wouldn’t have been hit by a motorcycle going more than 100 miles per hour. That one moment affected everything he did from that day forward. What I have experienced today will remind me tomorrow to surrender to the inner guidance which is available to us all. I’ll revel in the sweetness of moments, rather than rushing through things I’d rather not do. I don’t care for the choices I made today, so tomorrow I shall choose again!

“Shepherd, show me how to go, o’re the hillside steep.
How to gather, how to sow, how to feed thy sheep.
I will listen for thy voice, lest my footsteps stray.
I will follow and rejoice, all the rugged way.”
Poem from Mary Baker Eddy

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