Monday, June 7, 2021

To Listen or Not to Hear

 Face-to-face duplicate bridge is happening again. Throughout the game there was a phone ringing in someone’s purse. After the game, my partner looked at me and asked, Doesn’t that phone ringing drive you crazy? I laughed and told her no, because I didn’t pay it any attention. She was surprised and more than a bit disbelieving as she asked me how that could be possible. Many platitudes (or maybe truisms) went through my thoughts. “If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”. And, “Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff”. I told her I simply ignored it, to which she looked at me as though I might have sprouted wings! On the other side of this coin -- when I got home, a dear friend from California called and we had a long talk, solving most of the world’s messes in 30 minutes or so. As we hung up, I told him we had identified the problems, now it was time to implement change. While he agreed with me, I’m not sure he thinks it’s possible. Ignoring that phone ringing is the flip side of recognizing something is wrong, then translating my thoughts about it to facilitate change within myself. Then I’ll be prepared to listen, as affirmative action calls to me, and I hope I’ll be ready to Be The Change I Want To See!

“Mortal mind accepts the erroneous, material conception of life and joy, but the true idea is gained from the immortal side. Through toil, struggle, and sorrow, what do mortals attain? They give up their belief in perishable life and happiness; the mortal and material return to dust, and the immortal is reached.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 536:24

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