Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Deciding to See


photo credit: Richard Quick

Recently, I’ve been noticing young women awakening to the beauty of their own being! It has been nice to see instances here and there, but this evening I opened up Facebook and saw three posts from young women wherein they claimed their joy — right now, not in the future when something changes, but right now! One of these is very close to my heart because she’s someone who felt incomplete because her biological father had not acknowledged her in the ways she had hoped. It took his death for her to realize she could claim her wholeness without him filling In the blanks for her. And she has! Another beautiful young friend has spent years plagued by insecurities. She has felt her family was disappointed in her, and she shared in their disappointment. She is beginning to glimpse that there is, as she put it, “beauty in imperfection”. I see her gaining in confidence and inner strength. The last of the three posts tonight was from a young, vibrant mother of three, whom I’ve known most of her life. She is a joy to watch glow in her daily activities, and she and her parents are very dear to my heart. She ended her post with these words: “I’m here. We ALLLLL are. So there’s NO one else to be except YOU. This world needs it desperately. Unapologetically you. My vulnerability lets me dance, speak, teach, love unattached to others judgements, my sensitivity lets me feel other people’s pains and problems, my passivity lets me see all sides to everything and not judge anyone or take on their experience. This took me years to learn! Your perceived ‘bad’ qualities… could they be your gift to this world? Your gift to you?” I treasure these women and will remember them as I notice everyone beginning to bloom!

“Your decision to see is all that vision requires. ²What you want is yours. ³Do not mistake the little effort that is asked of you for an indication that our goal is of little worth. ⁴Can the salvation of the world be a trivial purpose? ⁵And can the world be saved if you are not? ⁶God has one Son, and he is the resurrection and the life. ⁷His will is done because all power is given him in Heaven and on earth. ⁸In your determination to see is vision given you.” A Course in Miracles W-20.3:1-8

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