Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Cooperative Living


Cooperation at Aaron's Wedding Reception

Cooperation: This word has come to my attention in numerous ways today. While reading an article about the efforts in Oakland, California to protect inhabitants of their city’s Chinatown, I wept tears of joy, reading of the unity which is bringing them together for a common cause. A grassroots movement led by Carl Chan has provided security cameras, formed voluntary street patrols, and organized rallies to create this united effort. He states he became aware of the problem when he was a child in Hong Kong and a group of British boys beat him up. When he came to the United States with his parents, he first heard a black man speak out for justice. That was Martin Luther King who said, “I have a dream”, causing young Carl to realize he, too, dreamt of peaceful living. His work to foster cooperation has been a beautiful expression of what he has always felt in his heart. Another great cooperative story is about Chicago’s humane society working with store owners to naturally alleviate the rat problem in that city. There have been more than 1,000 neutered cats released on the streets, with foster businesses providing food and shelter in exchange for their hunting skills. This reminded me of Texas ranchers’ fight against wolves. The end result of all the wolf killing was that prairie dogs multiplied to the point that livestock died in larger numbers from stepping in prairie dogs' holes than ever lost their lives from wolves. These instances of cooperation cause me to think of the natural order of living, how we can get back to The Garden, and live realizing our oneness with all that is. Namaste...

“In this divinely united spiritual consciousness, there is no impediment to eternal bliss, — to the perfectibility of God’s creation.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 577:9

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