Thursday, September 30, 2021

Seeds of Joy

Aaron, his groomsmen, and best ma'am

I read about an interesting experiment. Two people were placed face to face. One was instructed to smile as happily as possible, and the other was asked to retain a neutral look. In most of the cases, the person who was supposed to stay neutral couldn't keep from smiling, too. Happiness, joy, and peace are all spiritual attributes which shine forth through us as the experience of divine Love. They are infectious, don't you think? Let's broadcast this seed far and wide today and watch it!

“Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 264:24-27

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A Freeing Concept

photo credit: Aaron Springston

Someone once told me hopes hold us captive, and that if we don't accept the "reality" of what we see around us, we are lost in dreams of what could be, giving up any chance of changing what is. I’m coming to see that the opposite is true. The material picture of good and evil warring with each other is what we have decided is truth, hence we hope and strive for good to win. With the burgeoning knowledge of divine Mind being the reality and mortal mind as the illusion, we are freed to do more than hope. The divinely-endowed, spiritually-scientific consciousness within us is opened, and like a fountain the ideas we need flow forth. This consciousness is realized when we see that God is our Mind, not just in our mind. Our reality is the divine Mind which we reflect. What a freeing concept!

“When we realize that there is one Mind, the divine law of loving our neighbor as ourselves is unfolded; whereas a belief in many ruling minds hinders man’s normal drift towards the one Mind, one God, and leads human thought into opposite channels where selfishness reigns.” Mary Baker Eddy- Science & Health Page 227:22-25

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Resolve To Action

Has fear kept you from doing something you really want to do? A few years ago, through these writings, I became acquainted with a man who lives halfway around the world. When he asked if he could come to visit and get to know me and our sweet village in person. I immediately said, “Yes”! When telling a close friend of the impending visit, she stated that she could never do anything like that because she would be too afraid. I reflected on this statement of hers, realizing how many events cause a fear response to rise up within us. And I also realized that to settle for anything which brings us less than joyful existence is to dishonor ourselves, hence dishonoring God. How could I do anything other than go forward with joy?? This meeting with a kindred spirit was nothing other than joy and Love-filled. And so, the next time I think I'm feeling what we call fear, I will choose to interpret the emotion as excitement about what will come next!

“Had Blondin believed it impossible to walk the rope over Niagara's abyss of waters, he could never have done it. His belief that he could do it gave his thought-forces, called muscles, their flexibility and power which the unscientific might attribute to a lubricating oil. His fear must have disappeared before his power of putting resolve into action could appear.” Mary Baker Eddy- Science & Health Page 199:25-31

Monday, September 27, 2021

Watching Our Thoughts

It is estimated that we have more than 50,000 thoughts every day. As I heard Wayne Dyer tell us in one of his outstanding talks, the problem with this is that the thousands of thoughts we have today are the same ones we had yesterday! Waking up from the circular thinking in which we are trapped requires an honesty we’re not accustomed to practicing. I know habitual thought is not an easy habit to break, but the desire to do so is the first step. Just like changing any behavior, you have to want to change or you never will. How can we begin to think differently? We can’t simply stop thinking, but we can exchange the​se​ trivial musings for substantial ideas. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” As I go through this day, I’ll often ask myself: What would Eleanor think? Namastè, each and every One!

“My angels are exalted thoughts, appearing at the door of some sepulchre, in which human belief has buried its fondest earthly hopes. With white fingers they point upward to a new and glorified trust, to higher ideals of life and its joys.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 299:1-11

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Panoply of Love

Mongolia Adventure - photo credit: Aaron Springston

A young woman was taken from her college campus, tied up and blindfolded, then driven to a remote area. Throughout this trip, the woman continuously affirmed the One ever-presence which we all reflect. She prayed this not only in relation to her well-being but also for her abductor.  After quite a while, the man stopped the car and apologized to the woman, at which point she shared some thoughts concerning the truth of his being. Then they proceeded back to her apartment so she could give him a copy of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I'm sure we all have stories about instances of protection, which perhaps seem like divine intervention. Let's not think of this as intervention, but as the way things really are; not a setting aside of material danger, but an understanding of the divine Principle of all being. By this, we rest in the assurance that all is well. This knowledge has enabled me to peacefully know my son is safe during numerous travels. He's been away from home since he was 14, and flitting around the globe on his own since he was 19. Friends have wondered how I can be so calm and free from worry about him. It's because I know where his safety lies -- as does he.

“Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you. The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity.” Mary Baker Eddy- Science & Health Page 571:18-21

Saturday, September 25, 2021

All Spaces Filled


Kriste-lee and me

“I celebrate myself, and sing myself,

And what I assume you shall assume,

For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”
Walt Whitman

In speaking with an old friend this evening, I realized how easy it is to separate ourselves from each other, to put up mental and emotional barriers which cause us to feel alone and in need of something we can’t define. Connecting with each other doesn’t necessarily mean that we sit in the living room and talk for hours. We can feel each other’s presence when we remember a time shared, or hear a song we both loved, or any number of reminders. After a loved one passes from our sight, we may feel an empty space they previously filled with their physical presence, but nothing can take away their essence, their spirit, their Love.

“Unfathomable Mind is expressed. The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fill all space." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 520:3-5

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Face of Love

Aaron and Kailey

I love ACIM Workbook Lesson #269: “My sight goes forth to look upon Christ's face.” Acknowledging that everything and everyone we look upon is the face of divine Love takes our perception to another level! With this sight, we do not need to see race or nationalities nor gender, there are no political parties for which to wave flags, and no enemies to fight against  nor allies to side with. I see beautiful things happening in our world. Long-held beliefs are being released in favor of an open-hearted acceptance of everyone as they are, not as we want them to be. Change can seem difficult, but our new perceptions of Life are a conscious choice by which we break free of habits and old thought patterns which have held us in bondage for far too long. Let’s celebrate our new-found sight today!

“The eternal Truth destroys what mortals seem to have learned from error, and man's real existence as a child of God comes to light.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science and Health Page 288:31–1

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Let All Things Be As They Are


photo credit: Aaron Springston

One of my friends has a particularly hard time letting “all things be exactly as they are”, which is the topic of A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #268. She plays events over and over in her mind, making suppositions about why things were said or done, and trying to find solutions to fix everyone involved. Recently, she received a phone call from a lifelong friend whom she hadn’t heard from in the past few years. She didn’t answer the call and was full of worries as to what she may have done wrong which caused her friend to break off contact with her. While I try not to laugh in the face of others’ distress, I couldn’t help myself this time! I quickly reminded her of The Four Agreements, in particular “don’t make assumptions” and “don’t take anything personally”. After a brief conversation, she returned to her home and called her old friend. And sure enough, she had done nothing wrong, but her friend had been going through a rough time and needed a friendly shoulder to lean on. As the Beatles told us in many songs: Let it Be. Namaste…

"Human sense may well marvel at discord, while, to a diviner sense, harmony is the real and discord the unreal.” Mary Baker Eddy — Science & Health Page: 563: 1-3

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Peace of God

photo credit: Aaron Springston


Living the peace of God may seem like a fantasy to those who abide by the laws of materiality. It's a common belief that in order to live this way you must be delusional, or stick your head in the sand, or at least deny reality in favor of wishful thinking. But many of us see this state of mind in another way. As we learn about the Truth of our being, we are able to glimpse this peace, and the joy it brings. Thereby, Lesson #267 in A Course in Miracles Workbook, ”My heart is beating in the peace of God" can be shown in our daily activities and be expressed to everyone through our actions. This state of mind does more for the world than all the preaching we may be tempted to do!

“Spiritual living and blessedness are the only evidences, by which we can recognize true existence and feel the unspeakable peace which comes from an all-absorbing spiritual love.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 264:24-27

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Calm and Exalted Thought


photo credit: Aaron Springston

Peace is a state of mind. We can feel the epitome of peace in the midst of turmoil, or we may be in an outer oasis of stillness but, due to our tumultuous state of mind, be anxious and upset. It helps me to know that we are all the reflection of Spirit. With this realization, I am able to see through the eye of divine Love. This is not to say that I'm always calm. Sometimes I forget I am the idea of God, and that everyone else is, too. At those times, who knows how I may be interpreting events! In a state of forgetfulness, I am at the mercy of material belief, being swayed by thought systems which were put into place long before my appearance in this world. But when I remember the spiritual Truth of creation, things appear differently to me -- and there is peace.

“The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace. Thus the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 506: 11-14

Monday, September 20, 2021

Creation's Gentleness

photo credit: Richard Quick

A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #265 states: “Creation's gentleness is all I see.” ​Although we usually see it everywhere, we’re often distracted by the universal belief in harshness as the way of the world. ​Yet, m​ore and more, we're noticing animals showing us the way of gentleness in their interactions with each other. As we begin to understand Oneness, we're seeing that if violence is done to or by one, it's done to or by ​a​ll. So it’s a noble goal to allow our thoughts to change from fear and anger to Love and gentleness. Many people are holding with the old paradigm, and some say it's necessary for heinous acts to be committed, and also retaliation in kind. On the other hand, more people are realizing the error of this way, and ​innately ​know that it is possible for the lion to lay down with the lamb. Every thought is important as we rush toward a new way of living. Filling our lives with beauty and joy helps us find ​the pathway and show others the way!

“The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love.” Mary Baker Eddy-Science & Health Page 511:2

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Surrounded by Love


Surrounded by Ozarks - unknown drone photographer

I don’t usually listen to mainstream radio, but there was an occasion where I was bombarded by it for a couple of hours. This forced exposure graphically brought into focus how insane the content was! The songs were totally inane and yet mesmerizing, the commercials were mostly for drugs and disease, the news -- yikes!! It may seem that we are being brainwashed from every direction, including collective consciousness, but this is the illusion. This illusion is not the consciousness of Love which is God. Love permeates everything, leaving no room for anything else to intrude. Nothing but this Love truly has power.  "Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach me." (MBE) "I am surrounded by the Love of God." (ACIM Workbook Lesson #264) When I am tempted to be mesmerized by material sense, I will remember what is True: I am surrounded by the Love that is God, which is my essence, my essential Being. So I needn't try to see or feel this Love, because it is what I Am!

“The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 574: 27-30

Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Scientific Statement of Being

photo credit: Tim Ernst

I have a friend in California who refers to himself as a contrarian. He also thinks he’s a curmudgeon, but that’s a topic for another day. He sent me an article from Big Think, entitled The Mystery of Life Cannot be Solved by Science, and he asked what I thought of it. As you can imagine, I had quite a lot to say! I think the only aspects of life which cannot be explained by science are the spiritual/metaphysical aspects which peek through the material illusion from time to time. Material medicine cannot explain things such as spontaneous healing or excessive strength in times of disaster, to name two of many. Hence, the reference to “mystery of life”. To admit that all of this life is actually spiritual allows us to find ways out of dead-end thinking regarding our existence. We are given permission to question all those things we were told we must believe “just because”. The Science of The Christ has given me a lifelong study topic and a source of never-ending revelations. Both metaphysics and duplicate bridge have supplied me with an exciting and fulfilling life, for which I am eternally grateful. May you enjoy this most wonderful almost-fall day, my Friend.

“Question. — What is the scientific statement of being?
Answer. — There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor sub-
stance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite
manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and
eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is
God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.” Mary Baker Eddy- Science and Health page 468:8

Friday, September 17, 2021

Life Choices


I have much to say about the idea in this photograph, but when I try to verbalize it, nothing feels right. So I leave you with your own thoughts today. Namaste …

“Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear, — this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 323:32-4

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Matrix


Remember the hit movie, The Matrix? In it, there were some profound metaphysical principles addressed! My favorite scene is when Neo is in what appears to be a center for extraordinary behavior. He goes up to a person bending a spoon without touching it. Neo tries to bend the spoon with his mind, but cannot. He is told that the way to do this is through knowing the truth: The spoon is not there. This is what metaphysical healing is all about. The only cure is the understanding that there is no place where sickness can abide. In other words, the spoon is not there. Awakening to this knowledge brings with it the revelation that all which seems to be unlike good, God, has no reality. If we are attempting to change a material condition, it's just like trying to bend the spoon by the power of our mind. Only by the knowledge of its unreality is it seen for what it actually is: an idea. We are all ideas of the divine Mind. We are all One in this reality. What will this realization unfold in experience today? I am open with no expectations!

"The Science of Mind denies the error of sensation in matter, and heals with Truth. Medical science treats disease as though disease were real, therefore right, and attempts to heal it with matter. If disease is right it is wrong to heal it. Material methods are temporary, and are not adapted to elevate mankind." Mary Baker Eddy -Science & Health: Page 381:22-27

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Growth in Grace


photo credit: Aaron Springston

I remember a young woman who came into my gallery one evening and told me that she loved art, but that she didn't have any talent because she had been sexually abused as a child. I smiled at her and she said, No, really, every day for years and years! I told her I wasn't smiling about what she had said or what had been done, but I was smiling at the part of her which had never been touched by any of this. I told her everyone has tons of talent and for her to continue trying things until she found something she really loved -- and then keep on doing it! Her eyes lit up as she listed things she loved and wanted to do. By practicing kindness when faced with hardness of heart, meekness when those around us are aggressive, loving those who seem unlovable, and paying it forward at every opportunity, we acknowledge the grace which is our true heritage. By this, we learn what it feels like, not just what it means.

“What we most need is the prayer of fervent desire for growth in grace, expressed in patience, meekness, love, and good deeds." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 4:3-5

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Looking Through the Mirage


photo credit: Aaron Springston

"Let me remember that there is no sin.” This is the heading of A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #259.​ ​It certainly seems as though sin is tangible in our world. We look at the news and see things which seem too horrible to be anything other than evil and sinful. But, once again, this is the material illusion. The reality is God and Its reflective creation. This creation is spiritual, everlasting substance, unchanging goodness. That is why there is no sin, because it is unreal! This same revealing of reality exposes other material discord as nothing more than mist to be seen through and dispelled. There is no magic potion which allows us to look past the mirage of sin, and many reports of our senses seem real until we look through them to the other side -- and then what a treat we have in store for us! There, waiting to be recognized, is the reality of our Being, just waiting for us to discover!

“Question: Is there no sin?
Answer: All reality is in God and His [Its]creation, harmonious and eternal. That which He creates is good, and He makes all that is made. Therefore the only reality of sin, sickness, or death is the awful fact that unrealities seem real to human, erring belief, until God strips off their disguise. They are not true, because they are not of God.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 472:23-30

Monday, September 13, 2021

A Higher Peace


photo credit: Aaron Springston

I had a friend who died from cancer. She was very active; always busy doing things. I once asked her if she ever had any quiet time and she told me that she didn't want any, because then she would have to think. Many traumatic events had happened in her life, including the violent deaths of her parents and tragic passing of her children. Our thoughts can be occupied by many temporal things, such as collecting material possessions, or perhaps we simply need the busyness of daily life to keep us from thinking about painful memories. Whatever the case, we rarely allow ourselves the quiet we need in order to hear the still, small voice​ within​. We may fear the unknown, perhaps thinking the activities with which we keep ourselves busy can keep us from examining the cause of our pain, translating it, and releasing it. We may use alcohol and drugs to cover up the turmoil for a little while, but lasting peace only comes through knowledge of Love. Sometimes love is used as a soporific, placating our desire for an all-encompassing Love with no beginning nor end. Today I will remind myself to remember what I have forgotten, which is only found within.

“This scientific sense of being, forsaking matter for Spirit, by no means suggests man’s absorption into Deity and the loss of his identity, but confers upon man enlarged individuality, a wider sphere of thought and action, a more expansive love, a higher and more permanent peace.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 265:10-15

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Remembering My Purpose


photo credit: Aaron Springston

"If I forget my goal, I can be but confused ..." This is a phrase from A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #257, which is titled, “Let me remember what my purpose is.” Looking back over my last half-century, I see many times of major confusion, and lots of minor confusions. I now feel these times are nothing more than intervals when I've forgotten to listen for omnipresent guidance. My purpose is unfolding every moment, and all I need to do is show up and be willing -- willing to be open-hearted, open-minded -- just open! -- with no expectations and no plans of how things should be. It's tempting to think of this as undisciplined, and others may be critical of this attitude, but I can attest to the fact that wandering around in college for five years perfectly prepared me for freelance court reporting. And thirty years of taking down and transcribing depositions was an incredible education which paved the way for running an art gallery for ten years. All those things brought me to where I am today, and none of it could have been planned. Today, I think of this as listening and following. Back then, I didn't think of it at all…

“Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels, and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 506:18-21

Saturday, September 11, 2021

What To Remember...


photo credit: Aaron Springston

This is the 20th anniversary of a horrific event which happened in New York City. We refer to it as 9/11 and everyone knows what it means. A phrase became popular at the time and still persists today: never forget. The spirit in which this was stated didn’t feel right to me at the time, and I wasn’t sure why. Now, it seems like the remembering is based in retaliation and fear, and the seeds sown have not yielded a pleasant bounty. Today’s mass at the parish center of our local Catholic Church is the same one ​people will hear on Sunday morning at St. Elizabeth’s in downtown Eureka Springs. I wish everyone could hear it. Father Joseph simply asked that we sing “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (and let it begin with me). After the congregation finished, he made a short statement about what we needed to remember: to help those in need, to love one another, to give to the poor, to be kind. It was beautiful. This is what feels right in my heart: to remember to love. To never forget what is important and what facilitates change: love. To reach out to those in need of kindness and understanding. To comfort those who are sorrowing. Love. Never forget to love…

“From Love and from the light and harmony which are the abode of Spirit, only reflections of good can come.​" ​Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 280:4-7

Friday, September 10, 2021

I Have No Words


Mary Baker Eddy quote: “This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and peace. The breaking up of material beliefs may seem to be famine and pestilence, want and woe, sin, sickness, and death, which assume new phases until their nothingness appears. These disturbances will continue until the end of error, when all discord will be swallowed up in spiritual Truth.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 92:12-20

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Happy in the Moment


Cedar Waxwings photo by Richard Quick

As I was glancing through the magazine, Real Simple, an article title grabbed my attention. It said: “It’s Better to be Happy for a Little While Than Unhappy Forever” — wow! The short narrative told of a couple who found a stray kitten, loved it dearly, never took trips because they would miss their cat, then when the sweet kitty, Gem, passed on, they decided to travel. They enjoyed it very much, but were happy to come back to their home. But something was missing. They needed a cat. A friend saw one that needed a home and reminded her of Gem, but the couple was reluctant because the cat was older and seemed to have some health problems. They decided against getting it. When the woman was lamenting their decision at her hairdresser, the stylist’s response was “It’s better to be happy for a little while than unhappy forever.” A lightbulb went on over the woman’s head​.​ ​They ​adopted the cat, its health problems cleared up with tender, loving care, and they have ​loved it for five years, to the betterment of all involved! The idea of being happy right now without worrying about the possible perils of tomorrow makes me smile. I hope it does you, too!

“Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 66:14

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Listening and Following


photo credit: Aaron Springston

Has fear kept you tied to things or ideas which perhaps have served their purpose in your life? I know many of my actions have been dictated by fear. Perhaps fear of being alone binds us to relationships which need to be released. This might be thought of as a "failure" -- which brings up another fear, huh? What if we don't think of the ending of a marriage or friendship as a failure, but as a ​natural ​progression of this life? The same may be said of a career or hobby. These things can be steps on a journey to somewhere you never dreamed you would go​!​ If you've planned your life in every detail, it may seem like giving up ​when mov​ing​ on to something else. That's why I love this way of thought! There are no rules, other than listening​​​ as divine Mind​ lead​s​ us wherever we need to be. This guidance doesn't always mean leaving something -- it could be staying with a job or relationship, regardless of what logic dictates. Listening and following is always an adventure!!

"Until the majesty of Truth should be demonstrated in divine Science, the spiritual idea was arraigned before the tribunal of so-called mortal mind, which was unloosed in order that the false claim of mind in matter might uncover its own crime of defying immortal Mind." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 564:19-23

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Nothing But The Truth


photo credit: Aaron Springston

The topic of A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #251 is:​ ​“I am in need of nothing but the truth." Ask a group of people t​o define truth​and you​'ll​ probably receive as many answers as there are people asked​. You’ll hear talk of “my truth” and “your truth”, but hardly ever does Truth with a capital “T” come into the conversation. I’m beginning to understand that Truth is always unfolding as individual consciousness, intuition, and inspiration. This Truth doesn’t stand still in one spot and ask to be defined. It’s not opinion or belief, but rather the ideas heard within ourselves ​from​ omnipotent Mind, which is the source of all. ​Forsaking mortal mind’s ego definitions of the truth of our being opens the door to infinite possibilities! We are all ​longing for truth​,​ more​so​ with every passing day…

“A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 453:12-13

Monday, September 6, 2021

Intentions and Results


photo credit: Aaron Springston

Years ago, I had to call tech support over an iPad issue. It was fairly complicated and when we were ready to install the firmware the lady from India said to me, “Let’s set our intention for a good result!” I have remembered that statement all these years and use it often. Recently when I said that to someone, it was clear they didn’t think it would make any difference. They actually assured me that things always turn out badly for them. I’ve been pondering this the last couple of days. My certainty that a good result will happen no matter what I’m doing doesn’t mean things will always go smoothly; nor does it mean I’ll always like the outcome of a situation. This “good result” of which I speak makes itself known in unexpected ways when I release my preconceived notions of how things should be done. The many instances of unexpected solutions appearing in my thoughts, or showing up in others’ actions, are countless in my memory. I used to believe in “Murphy’s Law” and think that if anything could go “wrong”, it would. Now that I expect a “good result”, without delineating what that will be, I’m certain every thought is important!

“Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionally to their occupancy of your thoughts.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 261:4

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Passing Through Illusions


"Whatever suffers is not part of me" [ACIM ​W​orkbook ​L​esson #248]​ These words​ could possibly be taken as an unfeeling, heartless statement. I see it as an expression of pure Love which allows us to pass through illusions into the reality of good, God. The death of a loved one is difficult in many ways, but I think the myths we have concocted surrounding this passage may do more harm than good. We say things like, God took her to be with ​Him because she was so good. Although these words are spoken in the name of kindness, I’m not sure they help anyone ​who is grieving. As we begin to understand divine reality, we are released from the stories we tell ourselves in favor of the Truth which sets us free. I'll always remember reading the book, "Beloved Prophet", which is the story of Kahlil Gibran and the woman who loved him. She sat at his funeral with a peaceful smile on her face, and when asked why she wasn't upset, she responded that she had never felt closer to him. What a lovely realization of Oneness and eternity!

"It was the divine law of Life and Love, unfolding to me the demonstrable fact that matter possesses neither sensation nor life; that human experiences show the falsity of all material things; and that immortal cravings, ‘the price of learning love,’ establish the truism that the only sufferer is mortal mind, for the divine Mind cannot suffer." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 108:5-11

​"​A Course in Miracles - LESSON 248​ - ​Whatever Suffers Is Not Part Of Me.

I have disowned the truth. Now let me be as faithful in disowning falsity. Whatever suffers is not part of me. What grieves is not myself. What is in pain is but illusion in my mind. What dies was never living in reality, and did but mock the truth about myself. Now I disown self-concepts and deceits and lies about the holy Son of God. Now am I ready to accept him back as God created him, and as he is.

Father, my ancient love for You returns, and lets me love Your Son again as well. Father, I am as You created me. Now is Your Love remembered, and my own. Now do I understand that they are one.​"​

Saturday, September 4, 2021



Piney Creek Flowers on my piano

I’ve had one of those days when everything has moved me to tears: happy things, sad events — varying degrees of tears, from eyes welling up to sobs. There is a bond between a cousin in south Texas and myself. We have never met, but have been communicating through Facebook for several years. She ‘s been submitting to chemotherapy for eight years and has been in intense pain every day. I asked her if she would follow this route if she had it to do over again, and she said no; that she had only begun treatment to appease her mother. She is ready for it to be over. I love how she reminds me to appreciate every moment of freedom from pain and emotional upset. I cried with her today. I also sobbed when my cat ate a butterfly. My eyes leaked when listening to Father Joseph deliver a homily about helping one another. Hearing a chorus of hospital workers on America’s Got Talent almost brought me to my knees. When I was a child, my parents would tell me the only reason a person cried was to get others to feel sorry for them. I’d love to tell them that full hearts must overflow. And that’s okay.

“Take heart, dear sufferer, for this reality of being will surely appear sometimes and in some way. There will be no more pain, and all tears will be wiped away. When you read this, remember Jesus’ words, ‘The kingdom of God is within you.’ This spiritual consciousness is therefore a present possibility.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 573:29

Friday, September 3, 2021

Choose Again and Go Forward With Joy

photo credit: Aaron Springston

Do you have an incident from childhood which has stayed with you, perhaps even affecting the way you live today? I know someone who, as a young child, caught her mother in a compromising position with a man other than her father. She refuses to marry. I know a man who found his father dead from a self-inflicted gunshot blast to the head. His whole life is a series of dramatic events which he blames on that incident. I'm sure you know many stories, too. The Disappearance of the Universe, a book by Gary Renard, speaks to events such as these, and more. When we let go of beliefs, we can turn loose ​of ​our history, too. I love hearing stories of people who live through horrendous-seeming events and remain not only happy but proactive. This thing we call forgiveness isn't some sort of divine pardon, but a yielding within ourselves to purity of thought, without the impediments of holding on to memories of wrongdoing, resentment, and pain of all sorts. This yielding includes the release of things which we think have been done to us and things we think we have done to others. So let's choose again, rest in Love, and go forward, with joy!

“As the crude footprints of the past disappear from the dissolving paths of the present, we shall better understand the Science which governs these changes, and shall plant our feet on firmer ground.”  Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 223:4-7

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Are We Ready For The Truth?

Are we finally ready for the truth? I've heard it said that we, as a human race, can’t stand to hear the truth. I’m told of our fragility concerning honesty about everything from extraterrestrial life to religious doctrine, but I think we are ready for it! People say if truth were told about everything, society would break down. It seems to me that might be a good thing, because our current belief system doesn't appear to be functioning too well. Perhaps everyone's dissatisfaction stems from the feeling that we’re being lied to. A few centuries ago, a total eclipse of the moon would cause many fear-based reactions when the orb turned red, disappeared, then reappeared. The truth has set us free from that irrational fear, and so it can free us in other ways, allowing us to joyfully look up and say, “Wow"! I think we're ready, don't you?!

“Truth, independent of doctrines and time-honored systems, knocks at the portal of humanity.” Mary Baker Eddy- Science & Health Page vii:13-1

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Divine Healing

photo credit: Blake Lasater

Jesus was here to teach us many things, not the least of which was how to be nice to each other. His two commandments were to love God above all else and to love our neighbor as ourselves. I've often thought that we need to love ourselves more, as it seems many of us are expressing a lack of love for ourselves in our actions toward others. Jesus was also telling us we are capable of much more than we know. We are not powerless victims of circumstance. He tells us that the things he does, so can we -- and more! Power and dominion have become ugly words because of the things done to others by ruthless people. True power and dominion have to do with peace and grace and Love, as expressed through the healing power within. We are capable of more than we know. Let's not be afraid to express that power in healing every ill which seems so real to our material sense. We are spiritual Beings, expressions of God, perfect and whole, needing nothing to be added or taken away for that perfection to show forth and bless all of humankind.

“In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow,--thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dying. The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea,--perfect God and perfect man,--as the basis of thought and demonstration.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 259:6-15

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