Saturday, September 11, 2021

What To Remember...


photo credit: Aaron Springston

This is the 20th anniversary of a horrific event which happened in New York City. We refer to it as 9/11 and everyone knows what it means. A phrase became popular at the time and still persists today: never forget. The spirit in which this was stated didn’t feel right to me at the time, and I wasn’t sure why. Now, it seems like the remembering is based in retaliation and fear, and the seeds sown have not yielded a pleasant bounty. Today’s mass at the parish center of our local Catholic Church is the same one ​people will hear on Sunday morning at St. Elizabeth’s in downtown Eureka Springs. I wish everyone could hear it. Father Joseph simply asked that we sing “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (and let it begin with me). After the congregation finished, he made a short statement about what we needed to remember: to help those in need, to love one another, to give to the poor, to be kind. It was beautiful. This is what feels right in my heart: to remember to love. To never forget what is important and what facilitates change: love. To reach out to those in need of kindness and understanding. To comfort those who are sorrowing. Love. Never forget to love…

“From Love and from the light and harmony which are the abode of Spirit, only reflections of good can come.​" ​Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 280:4-7

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