Thursday, September 23, 2021

Let All Things Be As They Are


photo credit: Aaron Springston

One of my friends has a particularly hard time letting “all things be exactly as they are”, which is the topic of A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #268. She plays events over and over in her mind, making suppositions about why things were said or done, and trying to find solutions to fix everyone involved. Recently, she received a phone call from a lifelong friend whom she hadn’t heard from in the past few years. She didn’t answer the call and was full of worries as to what she may have done wrong which caused her friend to break off contact with her. While I try not to laugh in the face of others’ distress, I couldn’t help myself this time! I quickly reminded her of The Four Agreements, in particular “don’t make assumptions” and “don’t take anything personally”. After a brief conversation, she returned to her home and called her old friend. And sure enough, she had done nothing wrong, but her friend had been going through a rough time and needed a friendly shoulder to lean on. As the Beatles told us in many songs: Let it Be. Namaste…

"Human sense may well marvel at discord, while, to a diviner sense, harmony is the real and discord the unreal.” Mary Baker Eddy — Science & Health Page: 563: 1-3

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