Thursday, September 9, 2021

Happy in the Moment


Cedar Waxwings photo by Richard Quick

As I was glancing through the magazine, Real Simple, an article title grabbed my attention. It said: “It’s Better to be Happy for a Little While Than Unhappy Forever” — wow! The short narrative told of a couple who found a stray kitten, loved it dearly, never took trips because they would miss their cat, then when the sweet kitty, Gem, passed on, they decided to travel. They enjoyed it very much, but were happy to come back to their home. But something was missing. They needed a cat. A friend saw one that needed a home and reminded her of Gem, but the couple was reluctant because the cat was older and seemed to have some health problems. They decided against getting it. When the woman was lamenting their decision at her hairdresser, the stylist’s response was “It’s better to be happy for a little while than unhappy forever.” A lightbulb went on over the woman’s head​.​ ​They ​adopted the cat, its health problems cleared up with tender, loving care, and they have ​loved it for five years, to the betterment of all involved! The idea of being happy right now without worrying about the possible perils of tomorrow makes me smile. I hope it does you, too!

“Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 66:14

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