Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Wonder-filled Happening


Little Dog Found

A wonderful thing happened today! A dear friend’s dog had disappeared from her country yard. It’s a densely wooded area, away from any main road, and the dog is elderly, so they didn’t think she would wander far. When she didn’t come home in a timely fashion, after they had searched the area, they started calling vets and shelters and posting to social media. No Murtie. Today when she was checking with their vet to see if they had heard anything, the receptionist said, Wait just a minute! Someone was bringing their sweet old dog into the office! Some out-of-towners had been walking on wooded trails close to the Passion Play when they found her. They took her to someone in charge and they were bringing her to the vet’s office exactly when Christine was calling them. Synchronicity, indeed! Perhaps a Christmas miracle? Whatever the case, my friend loves her dogs so much, and her family — one of which requires full-time care from her — well, the holidays wouldn’t feel very happy if she had not known the whereabouts of her beloved dog. Gratitude is flowing from so many of us today! Namaste…

“Here let a word be noticed which will be better understood hereafter,--chemicalization. By chemicalization I mean the process which mortal mind and body undergo in the change of belief from a material to a spiritual basis.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 168:30-2

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