Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Successive Stages of Progress

Long, long ago, perhaps in the 1980’s, I read a book called “Mary’s Message to the World”. It was purported to be a channeled writing in which Mary, Jesus’s mom, told us predictions for civilization. The only one which stuck in my mind was that this area of the country would become tropical. Judging from what has gradually happened with our weather, I would say that sounds accurate! We have practically no snow, and there is more rain along with moderately hot summers. I’ve always said if you don’t like the weather here, wait until tomorrow, because we’ve always been erratic in our little corner of the Ozarks. Perhaps abnormal is the new normal? Climate change is interesting in its intensity and unpredictability. During our metafizzie days, we had a number of folks who thought violent weather was caused by violent emotions. Whether or not this is true, we are all well-served to stay on an even keel in these tumultuous times, don’t you think? It feels like walking a balance beam, but I’ll keep on trying! 

"The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace. Thus the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress." Mary Baker Eddy S&H 506:11-14

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