Saturday, May 13, 2023

Happy Mother’s Day Today and Every Day


When my children were tiny, my best friend, Sandy, came over every morning so I could take a shower and get ready for the day. This was necessary during the infant/toddler stage and I don’t know what I would have done without her. We took the boys to the river and other cool places to play, we cooked food together, we had birthday and other celebrations. Even though this fine woman never had her own children, she was a mother. She showed this every day through her nurturing and loving actions and I couldn’t have been a good mother without her. I hear about how lonely many people are in this day and age of computer friendships. I would urge anyone who seeks companionship to be on the lookout for a young mother with no close family to help her get through the day. Look around your neighborhood and see if any young family seems to be in need. We all are nurturers, no matter what our gender or age. Happy Mother’s Day to all!

“Kindred tastes, motives, and aspirations are necessary to the formation of a happy and permanent companion ship. The beautiful in character is also the good, welding indissolubly the links of affection. A mother’s affection cannot be weaned from her child, because the mother-love includes purity and constancy, both of which are immortal. Therefore maternal affection lives on under whatever difficulties.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 60:3-11

“Our function is to work together, because apart from each other we cannot function at all. The whole power of God’s Son lies in all of us, but not in any of us alone. God would not have us be alone because He does not will to be alone.” 

A Course in Miracles T-8.VI.8:4-6

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